Questions tagged [docker-desktop]

For questions about the Docker Desktop application. Use this tag in combination with the general [docker] tag. If your question applies to Docker more generally, use the [docker] tag only.

Docker Desktop Enterprise is a new commercial desktop offering that is the easiest, fastest and most secure way to deliver production-ready containerized applications. Developers can work with frameworks and languages of choice while IT can securely configure, deploy and manage developer environments that align to corporate standards and practices. Together, organizations can rapidly deliver containerized applications from development to production.

Docker desktop for Mac

Docker desktop for Windows

473 questions
10 answers

Can Windows Containers be hosted on linux?

Is it possible to run Windows Containers on Linux? The scenario is based on an app written in the .NET (old net) and the Linux user that wants to run this with Docker to provide a net462 written API on the localhost. I am using beta version from…
40 answers

Docker cannot start on Windows

Executing docker version command on Windows returns the following results: C:\Projects> docker version Client: Version: 1.13.0-dev API version: 1.25 Go version: go1.7.3 Git commit: d8d3314 Built: Tue Nov 1 03:05:34 2016 …
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11 answers

What is linux equivalent of "host.docker.internal"

On Mac and Windows it is possible to use (replaces docker.for.mac.localhost) and (replaces host.docker.internal (Docker 18.03+) inside container. Is there one for…
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13 answers

Locating data volumes in Docker Desktop (Windows)

I'm trying to learn docker at the moment and I'm getting confused about where data volumes actually exist. I'm using Docker Desktop for Windows. (Windows 10) In the docs they say that running docker inspect on the object will give you the…
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8 answers

How can I change the location of docker images when using Docker Desktop on WSL2 with Windows 10 Home?

I've just upgraded to Windows 10 Home May 2020, activated WSL2, and installed Docker Desktop. WSL2 must be installed in my system disk, which is a small SSD. I don't want to fill it with docker images. How do I change the docker images path? I'd…
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4 answers

Docker Compose failed to build - Filesharing has been cancelled

I've ran into an issue with Docker Desktop, currently im running the edge version as a user on Stackoverflow. Before I got the drive not shared for unknown reason error which was "solved" by installing edge version: Docker for Windows: Drive sharing…
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1 answer

Docker WSL 2 installation is incomplete

After substituting Docker Desktop on Windows 10 with a more recent version, clicked to start it and got the following error WSL 2 installation is incomplete The WSL 2 Linux kernel is now installed using a separate MSI update package. Please click…
2 answers

docker build with Dockerfile, but the image has no name or tag

I installed Docker desktop for mac. The version is 1.12.0-rc4-beta19 when I use docker build -t self/centos:java8 . the image has no name or tag REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE
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2 answers

Docker Desktop - Filesharing notification about poor performance

When my Docker containers start, I receive the following notification that reads: Docker Desktop has detected that you shared a Windows file into a WSL 2 container, which may perform poorly. Click here for more details. My questions are: What…
Gregg Bursey
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8 answers

Docker windows container memory limit

Does docker windows containers, with Docker Desktop for Windows, have default memory limit? I have an application that was crashing when I run it in the container, but when I tried to specify --memory 2048mb parameter to the docker run command it…
Andrey M.
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2 answers

Docker: Why use Linux containers on Windows?

I am using Win 10 Pro N (Version 1709) as a development machine and Windows Server 2016 Standard (Version 1607) as production server. I am currently developing an ASP.NET Core 2 application with MongoDb as database. A couple days ago I first…
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2 answers

What's the difference between Docker for Windows and Docker on Windows?

Docker on Windows appears to be what's coming built into Windows Server 2016? and supports running Windows inside a Docker container and using Windows as a Docker container host. Does this support Linux? I don't think so, I think it only supports…
Aaron Stainback
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6 answers

WSL2 Cannot connect to the Docker daemon

here is my setup: Windows 10 PRO - build 19041.153 - insider program - slow ring Ubuntu 18.04LTS subsystem in WSL2 mode Docker for desktop - enabled WSL2 integration with my Ubuntu subsystem I was currently forced to use Windows for…
6 answers

docker swarm init could not choose an IP address error

Experimenting with Docker Swarm with Docker Desktop for Mac. I tried this: docker-machine create -d virtualbox node-1 docker-machine create -d virtualbox node-2 docker-machine create -d virtualbox node-3 eval $(docker-machine env node-1) docker…
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3 answers

Dockerize ASP Classic on IIS

Microsoft has been investing in running docker on windows with Docker Desktop for Windows. Is it possible to run a legacy ASP Classic application on IIS through Docker? How?
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