Questions tagged [gsoap]

gSOAP is an open source C and C++ software development toolkit for SOAP/XML Web services and generic (non-SOAP) C/C++ XML data bindings.

gSOAP is an open source C and C++ software development toolkit with auto-coding tools for XML Web services and generic C/C++ XML data bindings. Also supports JSON-RPC.

The toolkit analyzes WSDLs and XML schemas (separately or as a combined set) and maps the XML schema types and the messaging protocols for XML REST and SOAP to easy-to-use and efficient C and C++ code. It also supports exposing (legacy) C and C++ applications as XML Web services by auto-generating XML serialization code and WSDL specifications.

The toolkit is available under two licenses

  1. GPLv2
  2. Commercial-use license

gSOAP Tutorials

  1. Web Service
  2. Client
581 questions
5 answers

What license do I need to use gSOAP in a commercial product?

I'd like to use gSOAP in a product which will be distributed commercially. The use I have in mind is what I suspect is a pretty typical workflow—generating a header using wsdl2h, consuming the header with soapcpp2, and then calling the functions…
Lawrence Johnston
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1 answer

gSoap compilation with c++

I'm trying to get a simple example working using gSoap, for VS2008. I've done the following: wsdl2h -o Init.h http://myservices/InitalisationService.asmx?WSDL And then this: soapcpp2 -I "C:\3pSDK\gsoap-2.7\gsoap\import" -i -C -limport Init.h which…
4 answers

Non - blocking RPC invocation, using gSoap

Is this even possible? I know, I can make a one-way asynchronous communication, but I want it to be two-way. In other words, I'm asking about the request/response pattern, but non-blocking, like described here (the 3rd option) Related to…
Kiril Kirov
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2 answers

gSoap shared data types between interfaces

I'm trying to implement two windows services that each one implements is own gSoap interface, and both are clients and servers of each interface. So my problem is that i use the same data type in both interfaces (class with members) and generate the…
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4 answers

Are there any lightweight alternatives to gSOAP?

I've tried using gSOAP for accessing a web service (e.g. using supplied WSDL to generate C stubs and then using them in an app). However, I've found that the generated .c and object files is quite big (several megabytes), which is a problem in…
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2 answers

How can I access Amazon AWS S3 using GSOAP for C and C++?

I have searched everywhere for this and I could not find a single decent code. How can I access Amazon AWS S3 service using GSOAP?
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3 answers

Using C++ for backend calculations in a web app

I'm running a PHP front end to an application that does a lot of work with data and uses Cassandra as a data store. However I know PHP will not give me the performance I need for some of the calculations (as well as the management for the sheer…
Stephen Holiday
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1 answer

Asynchronous, acknowledged, point-to-point connection using gSoap

Here's my situation: I have a wsdl, "translated" to a header file like this: wsdl2h -o file.h file.wsdl Then, I executed soapcpp2 -Icorrect_path -j file.h On "server side" I implemented the service, using soapXXXService.[h|cpp] On "server side"…
Kiril Kirov
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4 answers

how to use SSL in C++ gSOAP generated classes

i need to use gsoap library in C++ and i need to use https. documentation says how to work with HTTPS in C, but not in C++ ( in particular, i have compulation error on soap_ssl_init();…
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1 answer

#import: Cannot open file "soap12.h" for reading gSoap in VS 2010

I'm trying to use gSoap2.8 with VS2010 C++ project I declared a pre-build event wsdl2h.exe -o test.h "test.wsdl" then it says error C1083: Cannot open type library file:\stlvector.h: Error loading type library/DLL. \test.h So I used…
1 answer

gsoap/valgrind; NO leaks but memory errors

I'm writting a web service client with gSoap and using Valgrind to check for memory issues. Valgrind reports NO LEAKS but shows this strange (at least for me) memory error messages: ==3529== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised…
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1 answer

gsoap restful c++ client using streaming

How to write a gsoap restful C++/Solaris client, which should send a document(xsd__base64Binary) to webservice using streaming? We tried writing a gsoap restful client without streaming and it is working fine. We generated a request xml…
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2 answers

Using WSSE plugin for Gsoap in C++/Linux

How can we implement WSSE plugin for Gsoap in C++/Linux ? This link doesn't give all the information. The problem is what do I have to include in my header file generated by WSDL , to make it wsse compatible so that soapcpp2 header.h generates…
Aditya Arora
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1 answer

Ignore an unknown XML element node in GSOAP

I am new to GSOAP, so might be missing something obvious here. But I really couldn't find its solution in GSOAP documentations. I need to know, how do I silently ignore an unknown node in my xml in GSOAP without affecting other nodes. For example: I…
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2 answers

Why does gSOAP set stdin mode to binary if reads data from a file stream?

I've been playing with gSOAP XML data binding by loading XML document into C++ class, modifying data and serializing it back into XML. Here's the snippet of the XML - library.xml:
Bojan Komazec
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