Questions tagged [ws-security]

WS-Security is an extension to SOAP for applying security to web-services through XML Signature and XML Encryption.

WS-Security is an extension to SOAP for applying security to web-services through XML Signature and XML Encryption.

922 questions
3 answers

Correct way communicate WSSE Usernametoken for SOAP webservice

I am attempting to consume a web service through its corresponding wsdl. This service is dependent upon authentication conforming to Web Services Security Basic Security Profile 1.0 including that the correct xmls namespace of…
Chris Marisic
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1 answer

In WCF/WIF how to merge up claims from two different client's custom sts's tokens

I'm trying to create something like: Client authenticates and gets token from custom STS1, next client authorizes with machine key and is issued token on custom STS2 and gets another token. With last token, client requests methods on RP service. All…
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1 answer

Prevent XXE Attack with JAXB

Recently, we had a security audit on our code, and one of the problem is that our application is subject to the Xml eXternal Entity (XXE) attack. Basically, the application is a calculator that receives inputs as XML, through a Web-Service. Here is…
Romain Linsolas
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4 answers

User/Pass Authentication using RESTful WCF & Windows Forms

What is the best approach to implementing authorisation/authentication for a Windows Forms app talking to an IIS-hosted RESTful WCF Service? The reason I ask is I am very confused, after sifting through different articles and posts expressing a…
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10 answers

JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers

I am trying to create a standalone client to consume some web services. I must add my username and password to the SOAP Header. I tried adding the credentials as follows: OTSWebSvcsService service = new OTSWebSvcsService(); OTSWebSvcs port =…
Jordan Allan
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7 answers

Connecting to WS-Security protected Web Service with PHP

I am trying to connect to a Web Service which is password protected and the url is https. I can't figure out how to authenticate before the script makes a request. It seems like it makes a request as soon as I define the service. For instance, if I…
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3 answers

Can not get key from KeyStore

I try to get Key from KeyStore. I created a keystore by Keytool: keytool -genkeypair -dname "cn=Mark Jones, ou=JavaSoft, o=Sun, c=US" -alias business2 -keypass abcdtest -keystore C:\workspace\XMLSample\keystore\mykeystore.jks -storepass 123456 And…
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2 answers

How to make WCF Client conform to specific WS-Security - sign UsernameToken and SecurityTokenReference

I need to create a wcf client to call a service that I have no control over. I have been given a wsdl and a working soapui project. The service uses both a username/password and a x509 certificate. UPDATE I now understand what the problem is, but…
Steve B
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4 answers

Example of SOAP request authenticated with WS-UsernameToken

I'm trying to authenticate a SOAP request using WS-UsernameToken spec, but the target device is always denying access. My non-working request looks like this. (The password I'm trying to hash is system.)
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1 answer

Corresponding SOAP UI vs Spring-ws

Soap UI has the following option "Use single certificate for signing" what is the corresponding spring-ws config?
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5 answers

Calling .NET Web Service (WSE 2/3, WS-Security) from Java

I need to call a web service written in .NET from Java. The web service implements the WS-Security stack (either WSE 2 or WSE 3, it's not clear from the information I have). The information that I received from the service provider included WSDL,…
Michael Sharek
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2 answers

Rampart PostDispatchVerificationHandler: InvalidSecurity - Security policy not found

Edit: I tweaked the Rampart configuration a little and I am now stuck at another point. In Rampart's PostDispatchVerificationHandler an exception is thrown, because the security header hasn't been processed. // If a security header is there and…
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1 answer

Trying to digitally sign SOAP call with x.509 certificate in PHP

I'm working with a client, trying to send and receive soap calls using PHP. They have ws-security set up, and use an x.509 certificate for authentication. I have been able to get this to work using SoapUI, but I haven't been able to work with it…
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2 answers

Policy for signing and encrypting

I need to implement a jax-ws client. Here is what the provider docs say about security Currently, we use the SOAP Message Security version 1.0 specification at …
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1 answer

Disable InclusiveNamespaces in axis/rampart client

I'm connecting to a webservice with axis/rampart and was told to remove the InclusiveNamespaces as the prefixList was "" which is not allowed. How do I do that? The part looks like
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