Questions tagged [soap-client]

An application that calls upon a SOAP server.

A SOAP client is any application that calls upon a server.

Example SOAP Clients

2182 questions
14 answers

What SOAP client libraries exist for Python, and where is the documentation for them?

I've never used SOAP before and I'm sort of new to Python. I'm doing this to get myself acquainted with both technologies. I've installed SOAPlib and I've tried to read their Client documentation, but I don't understand it too well. Is there…
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6 answers

SOAP client in .NET - references or examples?

Background: I am creating a webservices site which will provide many types of simple services over SOAP and possibly other protocols too. The goal is to make it easy to do for example conversions, RSS parsing, spam checks and many other types of…
Emil Vikström
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4 answers

Disable certificate verification in PHP SoapClient

Summary: Is there a way to force the built in SoapClient-class in PHP to connect over HTTPS to a server with an invalid certificate? Why would I want to do that? I have deployed a new application on a server that has no DNS entry or certificate yet.…
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15 answers

Error fetching http headers in SoapClient

I'm trying to invoke a WS over https on a remote host:remote port and I get: Error fetching http headers using the PHP5 SoapClient; I can get the list of functions by doing $client->__getFunctions() but when I call $client->myFunction(...) I…
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3 answers

Inspect XML created by PHP SoapClient call before/without sending the request

The question: Is there a way to view the XML that would be created with a PHP SoapClient function call BEFORE you actually send the request? background: I am new to WSDL communication, and I have a client who wants me to develop in PHP, a way to…
Joshua Cook
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4 answers

How to change endpoint address for multiple tests?

I know how to change endpoint for each test, but I have 100+ tests so I would like to select project/all tests and say set new endpoint. Is it posible?
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6 answers

PHP SoapClient Timeout

Is there anyway for a SoapClient Request to time out and throw an exception. As of now, I get PHP Server response timeout, in my case 60 seconds. Basically what I want is, if there isn't any reply from the Web Service within certain time, an…
Shamim Hafiz
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8 answers

How can I check whether the server is able to handle SOAP requests

How can I check whether the server is able to handle SOAP requests at run time ? I need to verify it before my script is executing.
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7 answers

How to convert SOAP response to PHP Array?

I am unable to convert SOAP response to Array in php. here is the code $response = $client->__doRequest($xmlRequest,$location,$action,1); here is the SOAP response.
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5 answers

WSDL/SOAP support on Go?

Are there any packages to support SOAP/WSDL on Go?
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2 answers

PHP SOAP client Tutorial/Recommendation?

I need to build some integration with a SOAP service based on .NET 2.0. Im using PHP 5 and have never used SOAP. There doesn't appear to be any straight forward tutorials about how to talk to a soap service using PHP. Does anyone know where to find…
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2 answers

Reactive Spring WebClient - Making a SOAP call

I am looking to make a SOAP call from spring reactive webclient. I couldn't find any documentation for it. Wondering what would the approach. Right now I am thinking Construct the SOAP message using JAXB on a separate thread pool Make the call by…
Faisal Masood
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2 answers

How do you make Node.js talk to a SOAP service?

I can't seem to find any examples on this. I see a listing on github for Node that says "Newspaper Club – Uses node.js for wrapping a nasty SOAP interface to InDesign Server.", but I don't see any code. Thank you. EDIT: I'm guessing that I could…
Wayne Bloss
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1 answer

How to optimize WCF CreateFactory in System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory?

My current implementation is utilizing the ClientBase class to create a channel for WCF calls made to a third party API. This third party API requires a X509Certificate2 certificate as well as ClientCredentials to be authenticated. public class…
Andreas Savva
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2 answers

PHP SoapClient request: not a valid method for this service

Okay, I think I need another pair of eyes to look over this. I'm making a simple php soapclient call to an echo web service on a remote server. I'm pretty sure I don't have any typos and that the function call is correct. However, I'm receiving a…
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