Questions tagged [graphics32]

Graphics32 is a library designed for fast 32-bit graphics handling on Delphi.

Graphics32 is is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License.


73 questions
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Using ClearType in Graphics32 library (Delphi)

I'm using Graphics32 library in Delphi 2009. Is it possible to render a font using TBitmap32.TextOut method with MS' ClearType technology? I'm aware about GR32's built-in antialiasing (TBitmap32.RenderText) but the overall quality and performance is…
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Drawing Antialiased Shapes

I'm try to improve some of the drawing that I'm doing in my project by provide antialiasing. I'm playing with a simple project using the Graphics32 Library instead of the standard delphi Canvas functions. I am testing with simple shapes and noticed…
Clayton Johnson
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2 answers

Delphi, GR32 + PngObject: converting to Bitmap32 doesn't work as expected

I'm using GR32 for drawing multiple semi-transparent PNG images. So far I've been using the following method: png:= TPNGObject.Create; png.LoadFromFile(...); PaintBox321.Buffer.Canvas.Draw(120, 20, png); however I wanted to switch to the…
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Does somebody know the current status of Graphics32?

The last release of Graphics32 1.8.3 is dated with March 2007. When will there be an official Delphi 2010 compatible version? Is there any public SCM repository of Graphics32?
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Blending semi-transparent bitmaps containing text with Graphics32

I'm trying to implement a layered painting system inside one of our internal components and I have problems blending bitmaps containing text. Following code fragment shows the problem: uses GR32; procedure DrawBitmaps; var bmp1: TBitmap32; …
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Drawing a thick dotted line on a ImgView32 layer

I just want to draw a vertical dotted thick line on a layer in ImgView32. I also want my line to be thicker so I draw multiple lines close to one another, because the Canvas.Pen.Width has no effect on the LineTo methods. So my code is as…
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Delphi how to add transparent layers to TImage32

I need to be able to add transparent PNG images as layers to a ImgView32 (from graphics32 library). Does anybody know how can this be achieved? Basically, I can add any image as a layer to my Image32, but all images (even if they are transparent by…
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TBitmap32.LoadFromStream() Auto-Recognize Image Format

I'm using Delphi XE2 (Update 3) and GR32. I am unable to use TBitmap32.LoadFromStream() to load the image data. It raises the following exception: Project MyApp.exe raised exception class EInvalidGraphic with message 'Bitmap image is not…
James L.
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2 answers

Removing garbage DFM data from TImage32 (Graphics32 library)

I have a control derived from TImage32: TChromaDisplay = class(TImage32) Everything is fine except that when I drop my TChromaDisplay on the form, the resulted DFM file is huge (300KB instead of <1KB) because I have garbage data (it is just a gray…
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1 answer

Transparent PNG image loaded from resource file, resized with Grapics32 and drawn on the Canvas

I need a little help... I have a transparent PNG image in my application resources. Until now I was loading it in a TPngImage and draw it on the screen with Canvas.Draw(X, Y, PngImage);. And it was drawn transparently. Now I updated my application…
Marus Nebunu
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1 answer

Crash when deleting Graphics32 layers

I've hit an issue when trying to delete layers using Graphics32. It seems that unless you delete layers in reverse order (from the last added to the first) an exception is thrown. I created the simplest application to test this and it is repeatable…
C. Horton
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Transparent Png to TBitmap32

I have a png that i would like to load in a TBitmap32. After I load the bitmap I call: Bitmap.DrawMode := dmTransparent; Bitmap.OuterColor := Bitmap.PixelS[0,0]; But then all white pixels are transparent. How can i do that just for the…
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Saving ImgView32 transparent layers to PNG

I have problems saving an ImgView32 layer as a TRANSPARENT PNG. I use the code from this question to do the saving. However, the image saves with a white background. Here is how I initialize my ImgView32, create a layer on it, and then draw a line…
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How to FillRect using a blend mode like multiply, and not just a simple transparency

I'm using the Delphi library Graphics32 to draw an audio graphic on the screen, and then represent a series of periods in the audio. The graph is quite simple: a black background, with the audio waveform filled with a light gray color. The periods…
Rodrigo Gómez
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Delphi Graphics32 draw transparent ellipse on a layer

I want to be able to draw a ellipse that is empty, on a transparent layer in a ImgView32. Any idea how to do that? So far all I can think about is: BL := TBitmapLayer.Create(ImgView.Layers); BL.Bitmap.DrawMode := dmTransparent; …
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