Questions tagged [google-sheets-api]

The Google Sheets API lets developers write third-party applications that read and modify any aspect of spreadsheets.

The Google Sheets REST API enables developers to create applications that read and modify the data in Google Sheets.

This API is useful for:

  • Managing the worksheets in a Google Sheets file
  • Consuming the rows of a worksheet
  • Managing cells in a worksheet by position
  • Performing complex formatting of cell text

Example quickstarts are available for most popular languages, along with Google-provided client libraries.


3524 questions
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How to get Table from Google Spreadsheet to Gmail Draft using Google App Script

could you please guide me that How to get the Table from Google Spreadsheet to Gmail Draft using Google App Script.? SS of my spreadsheet attached.
1 answer

Google Sheet API V4 - Google Apps script - Sheets.Spreadsheets.Values.update - append Date

I'm using Sheets.Spreadsheets.Values.update to paste values into a sheet (due to performance issues using range.setValues(). In the case of dates, the source values are date objects (which were pasted fine when I used range.setValues([[]]). The end…
1 answer

Insert Multi Row Script Google Sheet

I have written a google sheet script for addding single row code below: //input values function SubmitData() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var formS = ss.getSheetByName("Entry"); // entry sheet var dataS =…
2 answers

A google sheet api http request with "Service account key" auth and without google/apiclient

Google docs contains only examples with google/apiclient php library. But the library contains 14888 php files. This is too much for just one google sheet api request with the "Service account key" auth that I need. Is there an example with a native…
Mihail H.
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Date time turns to text with Google sheet API

I have this code to copy one sheet to anoter. One of the columns in it is a date-time, however when it copies it the field type changes to text. Can you please help me with keep that in the same format as in the source sheet. Eg: This value…
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Google sheets API batch update providing a succesful response however not actually updating the sheet

i have been working on trying to do a batch update via an aplication using the play framework written in scala, i have managed to get it working using the regular update however when batch updating a response comes back succesful without updating…
1 answer

(Python) Google sheet API: append only rows which are not duplicates

I made a script for append values from dataframe to googlesheet as following: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = 'keys.json' SCOPES = [''] creds = None creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( …
1 answer

Google Sheets Add-on not triggering custom events in GTM

I am trying to fire GTM custom events from Google App Script Sidebar. A simplified version of the code is given below. The same code works if I test it locally on a local server as a web page. Events are triggered. But when it is part of an add-on…
1 answer

Converting a Array[ValueRange] to util.List[ValueRange]

I am currently trying to do a batch update to a google sheet via a scala project however i am having a lot of trouble converting a Array[ValueRange] to util.List[ValueRange] here is the code produceing the information for the body value for the…
shiny est
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Import crypto price feed into google sheet cell?

Anyone know how to do this? Just looking to pull in price data for certain cryptos into google sheets.
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Google API service account authentication can't find JSON credentials file

I can't get the Google API to find my service account's credentials. I downloaded the necessary JSON file with the right name into the proper place, and I'm using Python code straight off the API documentation: import gspread gc =…
1 answer

Is it possible to write vlookup functions in Google's connected sheets?

So there is a requirement to build tables and charts in google sheets with data in bigquery. The data can be brought in to google sheets using connected sheets. Is it possible to use connected sheets like normal spreadsheets with all the…
0 answers

How to handle Quota exceeded error 429 in google sheets when inserting data through python?

I am new to python and currently handling one of freelancing assignments. In my project I am given subject name xls file which on weekly occasions get updated with new names. I am able to scrape data for the given name and through python insert the…
2 answers

Create Sheets API Authentication in Cloud Function with Python

I'm hoping to use the Google Sheets API in a cloud function, which will run from my account's default service account, and I'm working in Python. However, I've only ever authenticated the Sheets library locally, using this bit of code: import…
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How to update one calculated column value or vice-versa?

I'm using Google Spreadsheet to create a two-columns-only converter like this: +--------+-------------+ | Meters | Centimeters | +--------+-------------+ | 1 | 100 | | 2 | 200 | +--------+-------------+ When I write a…
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