Questions tagged [google-sheets-api]

The Google Sheets API lets developers write third-party applications that read and modify any aspect of spreadsheets.

The Google Sheets REST API enables developers to create applications that read and modify the data in Google Sheets.

This API is useful for:

  • Managing the worksheets in a Google Sheets file
  • Consuming the rows of a worksheet
  • Managing cells in a worksheet by position
  • Performing complex formatting of cell text

Example quickstarts are available for most popular languages, along with Google-provided client libraries.


3524 questions
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How to retrieve google sheet api v4 data into JSON format

I am able to parse data from google sheet api v4. Here is retrieve sheet data. Sample: But i want…
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Google Sheets API Oauth issue

I am trying the sample listed here. I have not added any Redirect URI to my credential as it is not suggested anywhere. When I run the sample, I get the following error, and every time the port is different. Authorization Error Error 400:…
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2 answers

How to get all google sheet tab name from a public sheet without app script

I am able to parse JSON data from this way. Is there any similar way to get all the sheet tab name?
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Add multiple filterviews using values from a column of the sheet

I have this Apps Script function that Adds a filterview to a sheet. I would like to use a function that creates multiple filterviews to the same sheet, using the values from columnIndex 3 to define the title, filterViewId, and filter criteria. This…
1 answer

Date format messed up while copying data from one spreadsheet to another using Google Sheets API batchUpdate

I am copying a dataset from one spreadsheet to another and all is fine except the dates. In the source file the dates are like "2020-07-27", but after I run the script, the dates in the destination file are in completely different format like "Sun…
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Google Sheets API - Timeout

I regularly use gspread and lately I've been getting these read timeout errors but only on certain sheets. Sometimes I'll be able to read & write to a sheet for a bit and then it'll hang until I get this read timeout error and then all subsequent…
1 answer

Time trigger end of months

as the end of months varies from 30 to 31 and I have to set up a time trigger to trigger another function. if I input the 31 of all months, will it work on the 30? here is my code function timerTrigger()…
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Stop Google Sheets from creating link automatically

I am trying to write some text in Google Sheets, specifically some URLs. I need that because I am trying to explain to an agency the new tracking we are implementing. I have the URL in a cell, and I went to have some caracters in red to highlight…
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Problems with a variable in Google Apps Script

I'm beginner in apps script. I was trying to follow a tutorial (which you can find here: I'm facing problems trying to pass a variable between functions inside my front-end HTML. The goal of this project…
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Google SpreadSheets Api blocks table after some requests

My application sends requests to Google Spreadsheets Api to write values to table. I can successfully send only 3-4 requests after this table blocks for 6-12 hours and servers sends 503 error (unavailable). I thought that this occurs with basic…
0 answers

insert images in google docs (or pdf) coming from google spreadsheets?

I have Google spreadsheets with several raws and lines. I take each lines of each raw of my google spreadsheet and i generate a pdf with it based on a Google Docs template. In one raw, I have url's from pictures stored into Google Drive, and I want…
0 answers

Multiple sheets writting to a single master sheet

I have two user input sheets, in which users can enter data in row 2. This data is then copied over to the master once the save button is pressed. The script I've written to do all this works fine, my concern comes down to the moment both of these…
1 answer

Vlookup to Make a list?

This site has been super helpful, thank you to everyone who has answered my questions. Here is the next one I am working on. Not sure if I should use vlookup, hlookup, a combination of both or something else. So I have a list of teams with…
1 answer

Google Sheets api append method is not adding a line after the last row

It is supposed that values.append method should add a line when it meets an empty row starting from the first row of the defined range. If there is no gaps between existing rows, then it should add a line in the end of the defined range table. In my…
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2 answers

How to add API key to the google spreadsheet?

I have created a google sheet and have converted it into JSON using the URL. example: I want to add a api key to this google sheet. I have generated a API key though…
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