Questions tagged [google-photos]

The new photos app allows you to choose photos and videos from your device (local and online)

Google photos app is the next version of the gallery app, which is an integral part of the Google Plus app. This app allows other apps to browse/edit/share/choose images and videos (both local and online). It's an alternate application for the default Gallery app.


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4 answers

Is there an upload API for Google Photos (

Does the Google Photos app, released on May 28, 2015, have an API which allows uploading of photos? The app seems to build on Picassa and Google+. Can one of their APIs can be used to upload into Google Photos?
Matthew Simoneau
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Choosing photo using new Google Photos app is broken

My app has ability to select photo from library. Exactly I want file path from this selection. This is the code to create intent for selecting photo: Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, …
Den Drobiazko
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Download image from new Google+ (plus) Photos Application

Recently Google added the Photos app for Google+ (plus) and it shows up when you launch an Intent to choose an image. However, if I select an image from Google+ Photos and try to use it in my application none of my current logic is able to return a…
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Is there a Google Photos API

I know that there is an older post here with the same question. But it was asked in 2012 and the answers are also a couple of years old. Also that is about Google+ Photos, and I am asking about Google Photos Recently Google Photos has been made a…
Undefined Variable
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Using data from context providers or requesting Google Photos read permission?

My app allows users to import their photos and videos from other apps. Now that Google replaced Google+ Photos with Google Photos, couple of things broke for me. One of these things is re-using imported files after app restart. I have a feeling…
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Location Data Google Photos API

When I query a photo in Google photos via the API, it doesn't return any location data that is associated with the image. I can see the location on the map when I view the information about the image in Google Photos, however the API doesn't give…
Andrew Schultz
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MultiSelect gesture like Google Photos app

I want to implement multi select gesture in my app like in new Google Photos App here: I have tried following this answer, but couldn't do this. Can anyone just guide me?
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bulk join json with jpg from Google Takeout

I wish to leave Google photos, and I have downloaded all my photos using Google Takeout. Now I have a boatload of folders containing both json files (that I think contains exif data) and images. The structure looks like this:…
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Google Photos API import all my photos

I've been reading more or less every StackOverflow question about Google Photos, and still I haven't figured out the answer. I need, for my Rails app, to get the url of every single photo uploaded on Google Photos. I can't use Picasa for a long…
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Retrieve Image from google photos library after dowloading

I am launching an intent to get photos from gallery and when I am using nexus google photo app in my gallery everything works fine. But if the image is not on the phone (on the Google Photos online service) it will download it for me. After…
Mostafa Addam
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Embedding Google Photos album to HTML

I have an images slideshow that is based on a Picasa widget. A few months ago Picasa stopped working and everything moved to Google Photos & Google Drive. Iv'e searched the web for a compatible widget that will corporate with Google Photos without…
Lior Magen
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2 answers

Android drag and return to previous activity like Facebook and Google Photos

I have been finding a way to implement animation like Facebook and Google Photos. When in 2nd Activity, when dragging images the images follow and the 2nd Activity started to fade out and we see 1st Activity. Images of what I was trying to ask is…
4 answers

Pick from Google Photos provider with ACTION_GET_CONTENT or OPEN_DOCUMENT

I have no clue at why this happens, but I am not able to pick images from the Google Photos provider. Testing on API 27. With ACTION_GET_CONTENT If I use: val intent =…
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Get list of all files in Google Photos

My ultimate goal is to get a list with all the files (photos, videos) in my Google Photos account preferably with their path. If I have to use some API I would rather use a .NET based one. Can you provide some directions in this matter? I've tried…
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How to make AppBarLayout to completely disappear with windowTranslucentStatus set to true

I'm developing an Android app using the new design library. I would like to create a similar scrolling effect that is used in the new Google Photos app. I would like the AppBarLayout to scroll off of screen completely so that the recycler view would…
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