Questions tagged [google-photos]

The new photos app allows you to choose photos and videos from your device (local and online)

Google photos app is the next version of the gallery app, which is an integral part of the Google Plus app. This app allows other apps to browse/edit/share/choose images and videos (both local and online). It's an alternate application for the default Gallery app.


307 questions
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Upload multiple photos from Google Photos

The goal is to be able to select multiple photos from Google Photos on an Android device and upload them using a regular html file input control. I am able to select multiple photos but only one is uploaded... Using the Gallery I am able upload…
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Reading requires the provider be exported, or grantUriPermission()

I received this crash report from an Android 6.0.1 user: STACK_TRACE=java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: reading uri…
2 answers

How to get city sights images from Google Places API

I use Google Places Photos Api and I want to get sights images for selected city by placeid or city title. I try 2 methods: 1. f.e. I send request (used London…
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Selecting video from Google Photos provider doesn't give mimetype information

I've created a sample here to reproduce this issue. I'm running this project on an emulator with API level 29 and selecting a video from google photos provider. But I cannot figure out how to get the mimeType of the selected file. I've used…
3 answers

Uploading photo to Google Photos API not returning upload token

I'm using the 2018 version of the Google Photos API to upload images and media as documented here: "Uploading Bytes" When I upload a new image or video I never get an upload token in the body of the response. It's always an empty body, which…
Edward Q. Bridges
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Is it possible to delete a photo or an album created via Google Photos API?

There does not seem to be any way of removing created photos or albums even when full access is grated to the program. Delete support is vital for the Photos API to be complete. Lack of delete functionality really limits the usefulness of the API.…
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Google photos api - Access-Control-Allow-Origin

I am building a design tool to create fully customizable photo products like photobooks. I use technologies such as firebase (database and storage) and angular4. In order to integrate google photos with my web app I use the google photos api. When I…
2 answers

How to Pick Image From Google Photos App Only? Android Google Photos Intent

I am trying to get an image directly from the Google Photos app. I wish to bypass the app chooser usually started when using Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT and instead go directly to Google Photos if the user has it installed and allow the user to select…
1 answer

How do I access google photos from my node js app?

I am writing an app to access a user's images on Google Photos. It seems that there is no 'official' API for Google Photos, however the images can be accessed via the Picasa Web Albums API. There are no official Google Picasa Web Albums API…
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Download full resolution video from Google Photos API

I'm trying to get a link to a full-resolution video with the API reading the Google Photos API documentation. It says concatenate the base URL in the following format with your required dimensions but says nothing else about dimensions. I'm using…
A. Matías Quezada
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start camera for both take picture OR record video

I googled for 2 weeks to find what I want. However, I am not able to find answer to my question and I have no idea how it could be done by Google Photos developers. The screenshots below are from Google Photos app. When I click Take a photo, it…
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1 answer

REST API to access the Google Photos shared album without account login

I am writing an Android application to view the shared (public) albums from Google Photos without Signing to Google account(authentication). Is there any Google Photos REST API available for this requirement? Kindly throw some light.
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Use of picasa api from Google Photos share link

I'm currently using the picasa API to display public and private albums of multiple users on my own webpage. To view a picasa album I need a userId, an albumId and optionally an authkey. I used to get these id's from, but since…
0 answers

Get image rotation using filedescriptor and parcelfiledescriptor in android from gallery

I want to get an image with a device higher then android kitkat. Currently I use the filedescriptor and parcelfiledescriptor to get the image. I get the image succesfully, but rotated. As the image is stored on google drive I can't use the…
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1 answer

Getting both Photos and Videos from the new Google Photos app on Android

I'd like the user to import a bunch of videos/photos into my app. This is the code I was using before: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); …
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