Questions tagged [google-managed-vm]

Google App Engine Flexible Environments let you run Google App Engine applications on configurable Google Compute Engine VMs. The VM hosting environment offers more flexibility and provides more CPU and memory options.

You can use either standard runtimes or build a custom runtime even with custom operating systems via Dockerfiles to host your application. See the official site for more info.

71 questions
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AppStats for managed VMs

We were running on AppEngine but recently moved over to Managed VMs. For some reason AppStats is no longer available? We just get a 404 not found error when browsing to our appstats URL. Is appstats not supported on Managad VMs? If not, is there a…
1 answer

Managed VM deploy failed because "env" setting is not supported

Trying to deploy a Java app to Google Appengine Managed VM. I'm using console gcloud and already prepared WAR file. Plus app.yaml. Using following command: gcloud preview app deploy ./build/libs/app.yaml Right now it fails with: Building and…
2 answers

Updating code of managed vm on google compute engine

I understand this might be an easy solution, but I am very new to this so any help would be appreciated. I have been running through the hello world application for node.js with managed vms on google compute engine, and I have just done this…
1 answer

Failing to run ZK Spreadsheet on App Engine Managed VM

I wrote a very simple application based on the example here. When I try to run it with standalone Jetty 9.2.10.v20150310 (which is the same version used by GAE Managed VM) it works fine (loading and saving). When I try to run it with the Google…
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2 answers

Google Cloud Deployment Error Response: [13] Could not pick a region and/or zone

Context: Following, "How to Use Pub/Sub with Python". Problem: The following error is being thrown while Deploying an app to Google Cloud Platform: Error Response: [13] Could not pick a region and/or zone Resolutions attempted: Ran gcloud init to…
1 answer

Error when deploying to Google Cloud for Ruby: "Not enough VMs ready"

I have been receiving the following error when trying to deploy a ruby application to Google Cloud Platform: $ gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml Beginning deployment... ... ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] Not enough VMs…
1 answer

Rollback Google App Engine Managed VM

I updated my Managed VM code and deployed it over the current deployment. I then deleted the old deployment. There is a bug in my new deployment, but because I deleted the old deployment, I can't go back to the old version! How can I get my old…
1 answer

Docker ARG command building Google Managed VM

Is possible pass arguments building a managed vm to use 'ARG' Docker command?. In Dockerfile sets default value... ARG env="dev" Building Docker container I can change this value... docker build -t test/app --build-arg env=pr . I have two…
1 answer

Possible to run Google Standard Managed VM Locally with Docker for Development?

Is it possible to run a Google Standard Managed VM for Java locally for development purposes? I am asking cause, mvn gcloud:run or gcloud preview app run are good for a simple hello world application, but anything bigger than that…
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Google App Engine/Managed VM Cloud Endpoints

We're currently running on App Engine (Java) and want to test the new managed VMs that Google are beta testing. Everything builds, but I can't get any of the endpoints to work. When I build, the error that comes back is: SEVERE: Endpoints…
1 answer

How to terminate Google App Engine Deployment

I have a Google compute engine instance on which I was trying the Google Cloud + Node.js tutorial. And I accidentally entered the following command: gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --set-default Accidentally because I want to run the node.js…
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