Questions tagged [google-colaboratory]

Google Colaboratory is a research tool for machine learning education and research.

Colaboratory (aka Google colab) is a research tool for machine learning education and research.

Colaboratory is based on Jupyter and Jupyter notebooks can be used and shared without having to download, install, or run anything on your own computer. Colaboratory supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.6. Data analysis and visualisation is frequently done using pandas.

For more information, visit the FAQ.

5017 questions
1 answer

Can't import the movie_lens datasets from tensorflow_datasets in google colab

I am learning python now. When i am trying to import the movie_lens/100k-ratings data to my project, an error occur DatasetNotFoundError: Dataset movie_lens not found. Here is my code import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_datasets as…
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How to upgrade to pytorch-nightly in google colab?

I got into problem , how can i solve this? I want to run pytorch-nightly on colab, I have all codes in pytorch-nightly version because of new packages in it, I tried to search about this and tried this code but it is not working even after…
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Solving a system of first order differential equations and second order differential equations (Non-linear)

The problem I currently have a system of four equations. Two are second-order differential equations and two are first-order differential equations: Four equations The initial conditions are: x = 0 | y = 0.3 | f(x) = 2.05 | f(y) = 0.55 | All…
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using colab TPU without GCS

Simple question. I would like to use the TPU in google colab. All tutorials, I have seen suggested using a GCS bucket in order to use a custom dataset. My question is now, do I have to use googles service or can I use AWS. Is there any workaround to…
2 answers

The class MatplotlibDrawer needs pylatexenc. to install, run "pip install pylatexenc"

I am using colab for qiskit and even after installing pylatexenc using pip this still comes as an error, I also used !pip.Here's the full pic
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darknet: ./src/utils.c:325: error: Assertion `0' failed (YOLO-v4) Google colab

I try to use Google Colab for training YOLO_v4 on my own data set and met the next error: CUDA status Error: file: ./src/ : () : line: 841 : build time: Oct 9 2020 - 12:04:13 CUDA Error: no kernel image is available for execution…
0 answers

Running jupyter notebook throws an error when run using google colab

I have a jupyter notebook that uses to make some interactive plots. It runs just as I expect. However, when I use the same notebook in Google Colaboratory I get an error message. The message is : "ValueError: All arguments should have…
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While running an R Kernel in a Google Colab notebook, how can a data frame be exported as a .csv file?

The title of the question pretty much says it all. I’m using R in Google Colab and while analyzing some data I have generated an output data frame which I wish to export (either to Google Drive or to my local desktop). How can I achieve this?
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Use Folder From Desktop in Google Colab

I downloaded the Flicker8k_Dataset (a folder with lots of pictures). I am looking for a way to load that into Google Colab without using Google Drive (it would take 5 hours to upload to Google Drive). What would be the best way to do this?
1 answer

ValueError: Input 0 of layer lstm_17 is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=3, found ndim=2. Full shape received: [None, 128]

Here is the code: from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Embedding, LSTM, RepeatVector, Dense, Reshape Model = Sequential([ Embedding(vocab_size, 256, input_length=49), LSTM(256,…
0 answers

Saving a DataFrame object on Google Colab and loading the pickle file on my local computer results in a recursion error

I was using google colab to train some XGB models and was saving the results in a pickle file after which I would load and read them on my local computer for analysis. This was working fine for the past few months till recently where I could no…
Lim Kaizhuo
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Jupyter notebook validation fails: type string schemas

I created some jupyter notebooks with Google Colab, when trying to open them with Jupyter notebook in local with my mac, I frequently see this error message: Notebook validation failed: {'type': 'string'} is not valid under any of the given…
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colab is crashing while using keras.utils.to_categorical

I am trying to train neural network to indentify the colors. But issue is that when i use keras.utils.to_categorical for OneHotEncoding of color names, the colab is crashing and restarting. I tried this around 20 to 25 times but same problem…
1 answer

Not able to unzip and read data from File placed on Google Drive and using google colab

I have uploaded a zip file in my Google Drive and I am trying unzip it and hence read the data by running command in Google Colab by mounting the disk. I am using the below command for unzipping. f ="drive/My Drive/Python…
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2 answers

Why my ipynb files are downloaded as txt file in Google Colab

This seems wierd, but my Google Colab was working fine until the last two days the Download .ipynb option is not downloading .ipynb files but rather txt files. I have to rename the file to ipynb and the notebooks are working fine. Anybody have faced…
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