Questions tagged [google-colaboratory]

Google Colaboratory is a research tool for machine learning education and research.

Colaboratory (aka Google colab) is a research tool for machine learning education and research.

Colaboratory is based on Jupyter and Jupyter notebooks can be used and shared without having to download, install, or run anything on your own computer. Colaboratory supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.6. Data analysis and visualisation is frequently done using pandas.

For more information, visit the FAQ.

5017 questions
1 answer

Does Google Colab stay connected when I close my browser?

This may be a dumb question, but does a job stop running on a Colab instance when I close my browser? If not, is there a way to keep it running (i.e until it's complete) In that same vein of thought, if I were to give someone edit access to my Colab…
Meme Overlord
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12 answers

Using Kaggle Datasets in Google Colab

Is it possible to use any datasets available via the kaggle API in Google Colab? I see the Kaggle API is used in this Colab notebook, but it's a bit unclear to me what datasets it provides access to.
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6 answers

Colaboratory: Can I access to my Google drive folder and file?

Google Colaboratory is really cool, but it would be more useful if I can access all my google drive files, without using standard google drive API. Is it possible and easy? and how?
11 answers

How to edit and save text files (.py) in Google Colab?

I cloned a github repo using !git clone I wanted to modify a .py file inside Colab. So i used %load as suggested here (How to load/edit/run/save text files (.py) into an IPython notebook…
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11 answers

accessing "Shared with me" with Colab

I want to get access to the files in the Google Drive's "Shared with me" directory. In the Colab python notebook the following commands: import os from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') !ls "/content/drive/My Drive" work well…
4 answers

Exporting Data from google colab to local machine

How to export data frames which are created in google colab to your local machine? I have cleaned a data set on google colab. Now I want to export the data frame to my local machine. df.to_csv is saving file to the virtual machine and not my local…
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5 answers

Plotly notebook mode with google colaboratory

I am am trying out colaboratory with plotly notebook mode - I open a new notebook, copy and paste the following simple example from plotly's documentation, but don't see an output. There is a large blank in the output space where the plot whould…
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1 answer

What is the difference between local runtime and hosted runtime in Google Colab?

I I just started using Google Colab for a project of mine. I see an button of "CONNECT" on the web page that presents before me two options: Connect to Hosted Runtime Connect to Local Runtime Can anyone explain what the two mean and how it may…
5 answers

Interactive matplotlib figures in Google Colab

Normally in a jupyter notebook I would use %matplotlib notebook magic to display an interactive window, however this doesn't seem to work with google colab. Is there a solution, or is it not possible to display interactive windows in google colab?
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5 answers

How to change the theme to dark in Google Colab?

How do I change the current theme to the dark theme in Google Colab? I need a dark theme like Jupyter notebook has.
Karthick Aravindan
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2 answers

How do I install a library permanently in Colab?

In Google Colaboratory, I can install a new library using !pip install package-name. But when I open the notebook again tomorrow, I need to re-install it every time. Is there a way to install a library permanently? No need to spend time installing…
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11 answers

Unknown initializer: GlorotUniform when loading Keras model

I trained my CNN (VGG) through google colab and generated .h5 file. Now problem is, I can predict my output successfully through google colab but when i download that .h5 trained model file and try to predict output on my laptop, I am getting error…
7 answers

How to run a Python script in a '.py' file from a Google Colab notebook?

%%javascript IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) { return false; } %run I run this giving error saying file not found. I have uploaded the same to gdrive in colab and from the same folder I am…
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9 answers

Load local data files to Colaboratory

I just wondering that is it possible to load local data files(like .xlsx or .csv files that on my google drive) into Colaboratory?
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7 answers

How to install CUDA in Google Colab GPU's

It seems that Google Colab GPU's doesn't come with CUDA Toolkit, how can I install CUDA in Google Colab GPU's. I am getting this error in installing mxnet in Google Colab. Installing collected packages: mxnet Successfully installed…