Questions tagged [google-colaboratory]

Google Colaboratory is a research tool for machine learning education and research.

Colaboratory (aka Google colab) is a research tool for machine learning education and research.

Colaboratory is based on Jupyter and Jupyter notebooks can be used and shared without having to download, install, or run anything on your own computer. Colaboratory supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.6. Data analysis and visualisation is frequently done using pandas.

For more information, visit the FAQ.

5017 questions
2 answers

Install of opencv-python-headless takes a long time

When I install opencv-python-headless in Google Colab, it takes 15 minutes to complete. My code: ! pip install --upgrade pip ! pip install opencv-python-headless Here's a notebook with this code which recreates the…
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Downloading huggingface pre-trained models

Once I have downloaded a pre-trained model on a Colab Notebook, it disappears after I reset the notebook variables. Is there a way I can download the model to use it for a second occasion? tokenizer =…
1 answer

fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory #include "numpy/arrayobject.h" in google colab

hello i am trying to run a git repo in google colab, i installed all requirements as per the git instruction while running the certain file i am getting this error fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory #include…
0 answers

Google Colab: problems to run fig.write_image()

I am trying to save a plotly line static image using the next code: import plotly import as px fig = px.line(EFBCg_f[1:12], x='time(ms)', y="C(n)", width=800,…
Juan Nolazco
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How to use ngrok to expose neo4j instance running on localhost to be used by google colab?

I am trying to use my local neo4j server through google colab. I am using ngrok to expose the port using command: ngrok http 7687. It gives something like this: ngrok is working fine. But When trying to connect using colab, I am getting the…
1 answer

Running several Google Colab Notebooks at the same time

If I run several Google Colab Notebooks (runtimes) at the same time, is the perfomance shared? I have a big dataframe to operate on so I decided to split it and let the code run on each part on a different notebook. However it seems to take as long…
Ben W
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1 answer

Getting AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text' (web-scraping)

This is my case study about web scraping. I got a problem in the final code 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text' so I tried to fix it with 'getattr' function but it didn't work. ''' import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url =…
0 answers

Google Colab : "Live video streaming using webcam"

I am trying to learn how to detect a mask on a live video using Google Colab. Although I can use the code of the camera to capture images. But I can not stream a live video. How can that be done? Here is the sample code of my project. It is done on…
0 answers

ValueError: Could not get version for Chrome with this command: google-chrome --version || google-chrome-stable --version

Hi Everyone I'm facing this issue when I'm trying to use webdriver_manager.Chrome ValueError: Could not get version for Chrome with this command: google-chrome --version || google-chrome-stable --version This happens when I try: driver =…
0 answers

Solving UnknownBackend error in google colab

I am trying to run a Python program in Google Colab. But I am getting this error. UnknownBackend: No event loop integration for 'inline'. Supported event loops are: qt, qt4, qt5, gtk, gtk2, gtk3, tk, wx, pyglet, glut, osx [TerminalIPythonApp]…
0 answers

How can a Colab notebook detect an error in a bash script/command

If an error arises in a %%bash command, I'd like to stop execution in Colab. The following approach uses flag files, which feels to me like a kludge. Is there a better way? import os flagfile_path = '/content/job_completed.flag' ! rm…
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1 answer

SSH connection is not working @ showing " Permission denied (publickey,password)."

procedure followed: run the colab code after generating the root, colab password , vnc password..etc and ssh command cmd=> ssh command copied from result of colab . link to colab code from…
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Generate interactive plot using mne package in google colab

I'm trying to use mne package to generate interactive plots of EEG data. But it doesn't work on Google Colab. It gives me 2 exact the same static plots instead. Any idea how to fix it?
1 answer

Installing GDAL in an R Kernel on Google Colab

I'm trying to install the R package rgdal in my colab session. I know it needs the dependency GDAL to run, and normally this isn't a problem. I can find lots of help installing it using normal linux commands, but can't find anything on how I can…
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How to directly run x11-apps(xeyes, glxgears) in colab hostruntime?

I know there are some solutions like x11-forwarding(ngrok), TurboVNC(virtualgl) could be useful. However, is that possible to directly run x11-apps in colab? I firstly installed xvfb and pyvirtualdisplay and then run !xeyes in colab, but what I saw…
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