Questions tagged [object-detection]

Object detection deals with recognizing the presence of objects of a certain semantic class (e.g. “humans”, “buildings”, “cars”, &c) in digital image and video data.

Object detection is the branch of computer vision and that deals with recognizing objects of a certain semantic class (e.g. “humans”, “buildings”, “cars”, &c) as present within and data. Well-researched subdomains of object detection include and pedestrian detection.

Most contemporary algorithms for object detection employ some mode of image – such as or – coupled with a scheme for deriving meaning from the extracted and quantified image features.

Object detection has myriad applications, across many related disciplines: content-based image retrieval (or ), optical character recognition (or ), image recognition, and automated video surveillance.

3524 questions
3 answers

What is "semantic segmentation" compared to "segmentation" and "scene labeling"?

Is semantic segmentation just a Pleonasm or is there a difference between "semantic segmentation" and "segmentation"? Is there a difference to "scene labeling" or "scene parsing"? What is the difference between pixel-level and pixelwise…
5 answers

Image Processing: What are occlusions?

I'm developing an image processing project and I come across the word occlusion in many scientific papers, what do occlusions mean in the context of image processing? The dictionary is only giving a general definition. Can anyone describe them using…
8 answers

overlay a smaller image on a larger image python OpenCv

Hi I am creating a program that replaces a face in a image with someone else's face. However, I am stuck on trying to insert the new face into the original, larger image. I have researched ROI and addWeight(needs the images to be the same size) but…
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What are good algorithms for vehicle license plate detection?

Background For my final project at university, I'm developing a vehicle license plate detection application. I consider myself an intermediate programmer, however my mathematics knowledge lacks anything above secondary school, which makes producing…
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1 answer

What are possible values for data_augmentation_options in the TensorFlow Object Detection pipeline configuration?

I have successfully trained an object detection model with TensorFlow with the sample configurations given here: Now I want to fine tune my configuration to get better…
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5 answers

Tensorflow serving No versions of servable found under base path

I was following this tutorial to use tensorflow serving using my object detection model. I am using tensorflow object detection for generating the model. I have created a frozen model using this exporter (the generated frozen model works using…
2 answers

OpenCV detectMultiScale() minNeighbors parameter

I'm currently using Haar classifiers, to detect objects. On my way, I didn't understand what is the minNeighbors parameter, what is it representing? Actually I don't understand what are the neighbors of the detection candidate rectangle. Please can…
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5 answers

OpenCV Object Detection - Center Point

Given an object on a plain white background, does anybody know if OpenCV provides functionality to easily detect an object from a captured frame? I'm trying to locate the corner/center points of an object (rectangle). The way I'm currently doing…
David McGraw
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4 answers

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection

A while ago I asked a question about square detection and karlphillip came up with a decent result. Now I want to take this a step further and find squares which edge aren't fully visible. Take a look at this example: Any ideas? I'm working with…
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4 answers

How to Detect Physical object in Android Augmented Reality?

I found many ways to detect different shapes. But hard luck when I am going for a physical object. From what I read we should have a black border around images to make a pattern file. If I follow this concept and generate a pattern then my…
Tofeeq Ahmad
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7 answers

Calculating percentage of Bounding box overlap, for image detector evaluation

In testing an object detection algorithm in large images, we check our detected bounding boxes against the coordinates given for the ground truth rectangles. According to the Pascal VOC challenges, there's this: A predicted bounding box is…
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1 answer

Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning

I have to code an object detector (in this case, a ball) using OpenCV. The problem is, every single search on google returns me something with FACE DETECTION in it. So i need help on where to start, what to use etc.. Some info: The ball doesn't…
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3 answers

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'app'

I am following this tutorial and doing a project on custom object-detection using tensorflow. So when I tried to create TF record for the train images using the following command python3 --csv_input=data/train_labels.csv…
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3 answers

In a digital photo, how can I detect if a mountain is obscured by clouds?

The problem I have a collection of digital photos of a mountain in Japan. However the mountain is often obscured by clouds or fog. What techniques can I use to detect that the mountain is visible in the image? I am currently using Perl with the…
Gavin Brock
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8 answers

How to avoid "CUDA out of memory" in PyTorch

I think it's a pretty common message for PyTorch users with low GPU memory: RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate MiB (GPU ; GiB total capacity; GiB already allocated; MiB free; cached) I want to research object detection…
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