Questions tagged [google-cloud-endpoints-v2]

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 replaces v1. Migration to v2 encouraged now, required as of August 2, 2018.

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v1 is deprecated as of August 2, 2017. Users of v1 are encouraged to migrate to Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 at their earliest convenience. The v1 Endpoints Frameworks will cease to serve traffic on August 2, 2018.

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 (in both Java and Python) have been generally available since February 2017. They have a streamlined serving path and include several improvements over v1:

  • they reduce warmup time,
  • they reduce latency per-call, and
  • they have a much better local debugging experience.

They also support custom paths and custom domain names, and they optionally allow API management features such as monitoring and API keys. The new versions are also open sourced (Java, Python).

193 questions
9 answers

Android Plugin for Gradle 3.0.0 : Could not find

I had to migrate my android project to new version of Android Studio and Android pluging for Gradle. I followed all instructions at…
2 answers

ESPv2 with Google Cloud Functions upstream request timeout

I'm having issue getting answers from a Google Coud Function going through ESPv2. Every time I request it, I get a response 15 seconds later with a status code of 504. My function take between 30 to 45 seconds. In the logs the functions correctly…
4 answers

The apiKeyRequired is not working in Google Cloud Endpoints project

I have a java 8 project with the Cloud Endpoints Framework configured. I followed the documentation here: I try to secure the API with an API Key. I followed the…
2 answers

Migrating to Google Cloud Endpoints v2

I am currently using Cloud Endpoints v1 in an existing application, but I would like to update it to v2 for App Engine in Java. I have reviewed the migration guide, but this only provides steps for migrating a Maven project. I am not using Maven,…
1 answer

TypeTags error in Java JDK10

I'm working on cloud endpoint. Everything is working fine when I left it off. But after few month I installed everything again and try to run this project but unable to do that there is some kind of error now. I think it's due to JDK version and I…
Azeem Haider
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2 answers

Android Studio 3 - how to add cloud endpoints module

In Android Studio 3 "Add Module" no longer as the option to add a Google Cloud module such as Cloud Endpoints. - How can we add an Endpoints module (and firebase for example) now?
2 answers

Building an API on Google Cloud Platform

I'm building an app and the idea is to go serverless. I'm looking mainly at AWS and GCP (Google Cloud Platform), and as AWS costs are a bit obscure (at least for me), and there is no way to ensure not being billed, I'm going with GCP. For the…
0 answers

How to add Kotlin support for Google Java Cloud Endpoints

I'm trying to use Kotlin for Google Java Cloud Endpoints, but I'm getting the following Exception deserializing Kotlin data classes INFO: exception occurred while calling backend method…
2 answers

Is Google Cloud Endpoints equivalent to an API Gateway, or are Endpoints equivalent to a microservice?

Using the App Engine Flexible Environment, I'm preparing to deploy an Angular 4 client and am looking into Cloud Endpoints to handle my node.js/express microservices as it seems to simplify securing and authenticating endpoint requests, and I wanted…
0 answers

How to get Firebase ID Token in Firebase Cloud Functions on auth.user().onCreate event?

Background I have some Endpoint APIs on App Engine. I am able to authenticate the Firebase User in my Endpoint API when making a call from my client. (I append the Bearer token to HTTP request header when making the call). I want to create a Cloud…
0 answers

Google Appengine Standard : Java8 Setting up Endpoints with IAP and ESP

I am working on a web application that runs on Google Appengine and is able to be accessed from Android app that will synchronise some data from the server. I had this working smoothly until recent when I recreated the project on GCP and setup IAP,…
1 answer

Google Appengine Standard Python 2.7: Can't run Google Endpoints on localhost anymore

Went to go work on an older Python2.7 AppEngine Standard project today but I can't seem to get Endpoints to work. I downloaded the sample code to see if my project was the culprit, but the sample doesn't work either. …
0 answers

gcloud throws a lot of info/warn "scanned from multiple locations" when running standard Java appengine app on local machine

Since yesterday, when running my standard Java AppEngine app on local development machine, I got a lot of messages like this for different classes: [INFO] GCLOUD: 2018-11-10 09:29:59.763:WARN:oeja.AnnotationParser:qtp1335050193-20:…
3 answers

Google App Engine Application Suddenly Stopped Working, returning 503

I have an application running on Google App Engine, I deployed the last version of latest version of the application on Sep 6, 2018 but today the application stopped serving request and it is returning error 503 with the following …
1 answer

Is it possible to enable using Google Cloud Endpoints Portal without granting extra permissions to access GCP projects on client side?

I have successfully deployed a Google Cloud Endpoints Developer Portal for my API running on Endpoints. I would like to provide access to testing to people outside my organisation that are not using GCP in their projects. Login to the portal works…
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