Questions tagged [google-cloud-endpoints-v2]

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 replaces v1. Migration to v2 encouraged now, required as of August 2, 2018.

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v1 is deprecated as of August 2, 2017. Users of v1 are encouraged to migrate to Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 at their earliest convenience. The v1 Endpoints Frameworks will cease to serve traffic on August 2, 2018.

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 (in both Java and Python) have been generally available since February 2017. They have a streamlined serving path and include several improvements over v1:

  • they reduce warmup time,
  • they reduce latency per-call, and
  • they have a much better local debugging experience.

They also support custom paths and custom domain names, and they optionally allow API management features such as monitoring and API keys. The new versions are also open sourced (Java, Python).

193 questions
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Cloud Endpoints Framework 2.0 Pip installation Error

I am trying to migrate to Cloud Endpoints Frameworks 2.0 for App Engine from v1 in Python When I pip install pip install -t lib google-endpoints --ignore-installed, I get an error Command "/usr/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools,…
1 answer

Quotas for Endpoint framework v2 in development environment and deployed project

Symptom: I have a new standard environment endpoint framework (v2) project that works on the development server but when deployed to GCP the response is: This application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try again later. However if I…
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App Engine Java Deployment Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

We are getting following error on deploying on app engine server since last 4-5 days. Sometimes deployment works, but most of the time it gives following errors. Log snippet 1: Error for…
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Why is apiKeyRequired = AnnotationBoolean.TRUE not enforced?

I am building GAE standard endpoint with Java using Maven dependency: endpoints-framework ${endpoints.framework.version}
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Google Endpoints JWT Limited JWT claims pass-thru

Is there a way to request specific JWT Claims to show up in the "X-Endpoint-API-UserInfo" header in a Google Cloud Endpoints oauth scenario? As background, I have successfully had Google Cloud Endpoints validate my JWT token from Azure Oauth,…
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How to increase max client body size Google Cloud Endpoints GKE

A large POST request to my endpoints cluster returns a "413 Request Entity Too Large" error. I realize that the NGINX conf has a limit set at 32mb, but how can I modify that, given that I am using GKE. The link,…
Paul Mazzuca
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ResourceContainer message field size limitation

I am using a repeated Integer field to query information for a number of places. I am seeing a "No endpoint found for path" error if the number of placeIds is large. Here is the ResourceContainer definition. IDS_REQUEST_CONTAINER =…
2 answers

Return JSON array as response using Google Cloud Endpoints Framework in Python

I am using Google Endpoints Framework with Python ( and have been building REST APIs with it. I am able to return JSON object (dictionaries) in the response…
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Clarification on Continuous Deployment Using Cloud Endpoints & App Engine

Related Reference Issue: Redeploying OpenAPI spec into App Engine standard environment When using Cloud Endpoints via App Engine, what would be the best way to approach continuous deployments? If the OpenApi spec changes, the backend service tied to…
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Can we authenticate using gmail email-id and password instead of serviceaccount programmatically to access compute engine instances ?

I am writing a python utility to access the compute engine instances across the projects a user has access to. Can we achieve this by authenticating to google cloud platform projects and instances using gmail email and password ? My utility program…
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Google Cloud Endpoints Framework 2 (Java) Error Meaning and Origin?

Migrating to Framework 2. Using Java 8. What is the below error message trying to tell me? What might be wrong with my class annotations or web.xml? I am using Servlets 3.1.0 for other servlets. Does this enter into the…
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Error generating OpenAPI doc using endpoints-framework-tools

I have been trying to add API management to my Google Cloud Endpoints (2.0) API. I have been following Google's documentation here, however when running the endpoints-framework-tools get-openapi-doc command, as…
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Appengine cloud endpoints v2: specify datastore in devserver

I migrated to cloud endpoints v2 following the migration document and v2 example from git repo ( However, I am not sure on how to set jvmFlag(s)…
2 answers

Example for using Guice with Endpoints Frameworks for App Engine version 2

Does anyone know a good example for using Guice with the new Google Endpoints Frameworks for App Engine Version 2. In the Documentation Migrating to Endpoints Frameworks for App Engine Guice is mentioned at the end of the docu. But i am missing a…
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GCP Endpoints v2: @ApiMethod(name = ) not working when returning a collection

In my GCP endpoints v2 project i have created a service that returns Collection of POJOS. I noticed that when returning a List or a CollectionResponse the @ApiMethod(name = ) does not work. Below an example: @ApiMethod(name = "getCountryList", …
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