Questions tagged [google-cloud-endpoints-v2]

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 replaces v1. Migration to v2 encouraged now, required as of August 2, 2018.

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v1 is deprecated as of August 2, 2017. Users of v1 are encouraged to migrate to Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 at their earliest convenience. The v1 Endpoints Frameworks will cease to serve traffic on August 2, 2018.

Google Cloud Endpoints Frameworks v2 (in both Java and Python) have been generally available since February 2017. They have a streamlined serving path and include several improvements over v1:

  • they reduce warmup time,
  • they reduce latency per-call, and
  • they have a much better local debugging experience.

They also support custom paths and custom domain names, and they optionally allow API management features such as monitoring and API keys. The new versions are also open sourced (Java, Python).

193 questions
1 answer

Google cloud endpoint: migrating v1 to v2 getting error in discovery call

We are migrating google cloud endpoint v1 to v2 using following google document. After deployment of migrated version getting below error. "RuntimeError: A tasklet should not yield…
1 answer

Debug localhost on app engine with Intellij Idea and gradle

I am using IntelliJ community addition and building an app engine standard environment application with Gradle. I was using Android Studio before migrating to IntelliJ and endpoint framework. I am not able to debug my localhost. I added jvmFlags as…
2 answers

GAE Endpoints Exception: service name mismatch

I'm trying to setup REST API for my project on Google App Engine, and the has been deployed. However, calling the API causes an error 500 to be returned to the client, and in GAE's log, the following stack trace is shown. Stack…
2 answers

Google Cloud Endpoints slower

We just migrated to google cloud endpoints v2 / java8 and found that latency has gone up. We see this kind of request in traces often: Which uses around…
1 answer

App Engine Cloud Endpoints Frameworks (Java) - NullPointerException when run locally

I've followed the directions for the Quickstart for Cloud Endpoints Frameworks on App Engine (Java), and everything works except running it locally. When I run mvn appengine:run I receive failure messages, receive only 503's for the /_ah/start…
1 answer

Migrating to Cloud Endpoints Framework v2, iOS Client

My Google App Engine application uses the old (v1) version of the Cloud Endpoints, as far as I see in the documentation it is recommended to migrate to v2 Cloud Endpoints Framework. The application uses Java Standard Environment and it is a backend…
1 answer

How to cancel google cloud endpoints request in Android using the generated client library?

In the documentation it shows this example of how to execute a google cloud endpoints api request using the android client lib: ScoreCollection scores = service.scores().list().execute(); Is there a way to cancel this request? I can't figure out…
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Google Cloud Functions + Endpoints via ESPv2: Problem with timeout

I have various Cloud Functions which are accessable via Google Endpoints for Cloud Functions. I followed more or less this guide: This sets up an ESPv2 instance in Google…
0 answers

Confusion about google cloud endpoints ESP and ESP v2 beta

I'm a little confused about the support of cloud endpoints for cloud functions in GCP. In the documentation page for endpoints for cloud functions it states that right now there's a beta phase for ESP v2 and clearly explains how to configure them.…
0 answers

Bind IP (GKE LoadBalancer IP) to Google Cloud Endpoint

I have a simple question but struggling on it (For a while now, following a lot of Google Tutorials tho..). Context: I have a GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) cluster which has workloads (Load Balancers, Pods, etc) I have a LoadBalancer for…
2 answers

Google Endpoints Error: Firebase ID token has incorrect "aud" (audience) claim. Expected ... but got

I have seen similar questions however my use-case seems different. Let me explain. I have a SINGLE project. I am using Firebase Authentication in the project I have created a Node JS based http Cloud Function to different routes. Using Postman I…
2 answers

Google Endpoints YAML file update: Is there a simpler method

When using Google Endpoints with Cloud Run to provide the container service, one creates a YAML file (stagger 2.0 format) to specify the paths with all configurations. For EVERY CHANGE the following is what I do (based on the documentation…
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2 answers

Failed to deploy Cloud Endpoint with OpenApi

I have Python 2.7 API server using Google Cloud Endpoints framework. I follow the example from GitHub and code my service and configurations as explained in the documentation. When I'm trying to deploy the endpoint using gcloud endpoints services…
1 answer

ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: ERROR: unknown location: Cannot convert to service config

I am in the process of generating the CloudEndpoints for my APIs built on AppEngine Std Env JDK8 with Guice, and I am working on OSX. Following the tutorial I’ve: added my prj. ID to my pom.xml run mvn endpoints-framework:openApiDocs run gcloud…
0 answers

Restricting Google Cloud Endpoints with API key

I'm using Google Cloud Endpoints v2 for java. I create endpoints method and restrict it through API. After this, I create API from GCP console. I'm calling endpoints method from android using client libs. Here is how I'm calling any method. …
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