Questions tagged [google-cloud-dlp]

Questions related to the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention API. Classification and de-identification of sensitive data like PII. Works on text and images.

With over 120 built-in infoTypes, Cloud Data Loss Prevention API gives you the power to scan, discover, classify, and report on data from virtually anywhere. Cloud DLP has native support for scanning and classifying sensitive data in Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and Datastore and a streaming content API to enable support for additional data sources, custom workloads, and applications.

89 questions
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how to connect Google Cloud Data loss Prevention with

I am trying to use Google cloud Dlp Api in web api. to redact some information from an image file. I installed Google.Apis.DLP.v2 nuget package. and followed the url - google Dlp c# request the url says the client as below DlpServiceClient…
1 answer

Cryptic error from request that had been working

I wanted to know if there were any changes to the dlp api in regards to authentication or whether the service may be down. Seems like the docs don't mention any changes. The request is formated as such POST…
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Does google store the requests that are sent via Google DLP API

I am trying to understand if Google stores text or data that are sent to DLP API? For example, I am having some data (text files) locally and I am planning to use google DLP to help identify sensitive information and maybe transform those back.…
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How do I handle Google DLP rate limiting when using the Java library?

At one point when doing some testing with the Google DLP Java library, I got an exception that indicated that I had exceeded the API rate limit. Unfortunately I don't have the stack trace anymore, so I can't give any more detail at this point.…
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How to use Google cloud platform DLP API

Can anyone please tell me how to use Google Cloud DLP API and can I track my local system using these Google Cloud API like track info which is flow from Facebook, Gmail, Skype etc.?
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How do I get Google DLP V2 API to return data with the same level of accuracy as V2Beta?

I've ported my Java app from the V2Beta version of the API to V2, and my results coming back seem to be less "accurate" than with the V2Beta version. Names, addresses, zip codes, age, etc don't get de-identified at all. The results I'm seeing with…
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Redacting collections of String efficiently with Google DLP?

I'm trying to port some DLP/PII de-identifying code that I wrote against the Beta V2 version of the Google DLP Java library classes. It no longer works because the Beta V2 service was retired and the Java API has changed. I've tried to refactor the…
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Google DLP: 'Resource' object has no attribute 'content'

I have a script I've been testing out Google's DLP with that has suddenly stopped working: def redact_text(text_list): service = build_client() content = service.content() items = [] for text in text_list: items.append({ …
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How do you request additional quota for Google Cloud DLP API?

I'd like to request additional quota for use with the Google Cloud DLP API. What is the best way to request a quota increase?
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OpenSSL exception with google-cloud-dlp 0.44.0-beta on OpenJDK 8

I'm using Google DLP through the Google Cloud Java client library, and when I upgraded to the latest version, 0.44.0-beta, I started getting the CertificateException shown below. This runs fine when I run it on my Mac with the Oracle JDK 8, but when…
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Different results from DLP API depending on if input is all in one string or sent in as collection of substrings

I'm seeing a behavior in the Google DLP library that puzzles me, and I'm hoping for some clarification. I'm using the Java wrapper library, google-cloud-dlp version 0.34.0-beta. Given the input: Collection input = Lists.newArrayList("Jenny…
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2 answers

Google Data Loss Prevention API

Does Google Data Loss Prevention API support .pdf or .docx? I am trying to do reduction on *.pdf file in Java to hide sensitive data. many thanks! Emi
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How to use Google DLP API to delete sensitive content from data stored in Google Big Query?

I have a certain table in Google Big Query which has some sensitive fields. I read and understood about inspection of data but cannot find a way to redact the data using DLP API directly in BigQuery database. Two questions: Is it possible to do it…
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How to implement mobile data loss prevention (DLP) tools?

How to implement mobile data loss prevention (DLP) tools? I have googled but unable to gather the information. Anybody has documentation or life-cycle, flow of Mobile DLP? Thanks in advance.
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