Questions tagged [google-cloud-dlp]

Questions related to the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention API. Classification and de-identification of sensitive data like PII. Works on text and images.

With over 120 built-in infoTypes, Cloud Data Loss Prevention API gives you the power to scan, discover, classify, and report on data from virtually anywhere. Cloud DLP has native support for scanning and classifying sensitive data in Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and Datastore and a streaming content API to enable support for additional data sources, custom workloads, and applications.

89 questions
0 answers

Unknown field in BigQuery table error when using Cloud DLP

I am using a script to programmatically call the Cloud DLP API to inspect tables in BigQuery. The script runs fine mostly, but I get the error below once in awhile. I tried to search but there is no content on this…
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1 answer

GCP - DLP - Decryption failed: the ciphertext is invalid error when using KMS wrapped key

While trying out on a POC with GCP DLP, facing the below issue: log: Received the following error message from Cloud KMS when unwrapping KmsWrappedCryptoKey …
1 answer

AttributeError: 'DlpServiceClient' object has no attribute 'project_path'

I tried to use gcp code for dlp: The code is easily found from this gcp official website documentation(no changes made other than inputting my own credentials): def deidentify_with_mask( project, input_str, info_types,…
0 answers

GCP Data Loss Prevention: Is there a way to limit or prioritise InfoType redactions?

When using the DLP api to redact PII the text returned text includes all infotypes found in the text, even when they overlap, I would like to only include one InfoType label. For example using the code here to send this text: "Please email me on…
2 answers

Multiple actions provided from the API for in GCP's DLP does not work

Goal: Read CSV file from Cloud Storage bucket and publish the findings to Pub/Sub and write findings to BigQuery Issue: I am able to do this using the Console, but when I try to do it using the API, only of the actions work. Following is a sample…
1 answer

Used Dataflow's DLP to read from GCS and write to BigQuery - Only 50% data written to BigQuery

I recently started a Dataflow job to load data from GCS and run it through DLP's identification template and write the masked data to BigQuery. I could not find a Google-provided template for batch processing hence used the streaming one (ref:…
1 answer

Can't Find Cloud DLP Scan results in stackdriver

I am running DLP scans on few BQ data sets. There are few built-in actions to choose after a scan's been performed; like Save to BQ, Publish to Pub/Sub, Publish to Stackdriver etc. I'm interested in Publish to Stackdriver and not really sure what do…
1 answer

Cloud DLP inspection scan to look for multiple infoTypes in same row

I have to run an inspection scan on a Big Query Table. My goal is to highlight/find a row only if it contains say, first_name, last_name, Phone_number & age infoTypes (*all in same row). I'm new to Cloud DLP and have created a Job trigger (with all…
1 answer

How to run Cloud DLP (Data Loss Prevention) in all Big Query tables in my project?

As per the DLP docs, when you create an Inspect Job, you need to specify the table reference: { "inspectJob":{ "storageConfig":{ "bigQueryOptions":{ "tableReference":{ "projectId":"bigquery-public-data", …
1 answer

Google DLP userdefined output for sensitive data

I'm having this request body for Google DLP as a text value. Is there any way to configure userdefined RedactConfig to modify the output..?. Is there any way to achieve that one..? { "item":{ "value":"My name is Alicia Abernathy, and my…
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GCP DLP(Data Loss prevention) getting “Decryption failed: the ciphertext is invalid.”-400 error

I created a key ring and then a key.Then used import job to create a wrapped key .Thereafter used the below code to decrypt a normal text. But I am getting below error: .InvalidArgument: 400 Received the following error message from Cloud KMS when…
1 answer

Google Cloud DLP tokenization of tabular data with CryptoDeterministicConfig and custom infotype

I am trying to tokenize the string value (passed in the tabular format) with custom regex infotype, but having issues when I add more than one row in the table. If I pass the single row, it successfully tokenize the string_value and returns the…
4 answers

GCP Data Loss Prevention API Authentication: Does it require the use of a service account?

I am trying to automate DLP scans using the API. The only thing holding me back from finishing this project is authentication. It appears that creating and using a service account with BigQuery, Storage and DLP admin rights in each and every single…
Nathan McKaskle
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GCP DLP(Data Loss prevention) getting "Decryption failed: the ciphertext is invalid."

I am implementing the standard implementation of Google Cloud Platforms- Data Loss Prevention API in Python for De-Identifying text. This is from the example in for…
1 answer

GCP DLP unable to run dlp.deidentify_content method get exception The request concerns location 'us-east1' but was sent to location 'global'

I am calling the method dlp.deidentify_content in the following code. The KeyRing is made in region us-east1 and the keys are generated using HSM. GCP did not allow to generate a HSM key for a global key ring. # Import the client library import…
Raj Oberoi
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