Questions tagged [google-cloud-dlp]

Questions related to the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention API. Classification and de-identification of sensitive data like PII. Works on text and images.

With over 120 built-in infoTypes, Cloud Data Loss Prevention API gives you the power to scan, discover, classify, and report on data from virtually anywhere. Cloud DLP has native support for scanning and classifying sensitive data in Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and Datastore and a streaming content API to enable support for additional data sources, custom workloads, and applications.

89 questions
2 answers

GCP - DLP - Regex

Trying to process a BigQuery table with a custom infotype of RegEx variety. RegEx I am using: ^(\d{5})$ In table below, I am trying to tag only against the "Codes" which are 5 digits. With the above RegEx, there are 0 matches. With the following…
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1 answer

Deidentification using FPE Primitive Transform and ignoring certain characters

is there a way to have the de-identify DLP ignore certain characters? Currently, encrypting EMails with a custom alphabet that includes the "-" sign ends up encrypting as below. Ideally the encrypted text would all be of the format "XXX-XX-XXXX" I…
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Google DLP - Displaying the Region using InfoTypes.list()

After integrating the Google DLP API, the ListInfoTypes() currently returns the name, description, supported types of the infotypes present in the infotypes reference. Is it possible to also obtain the region for the infotypes like "Australia" or…
2 answers

Does GCP's Cloud DLP protect data in GCP Cloud Source Repositories also?

GCP's DLP API Page has a short description as "Provides methods for detection, risk analysis, and de-identification of privacy-sensitive fragments in text, images, and Google Cloud Platform storage repositories." I would like to know if GCP Cloud…
1 answer

access denied for Google DLP User

I am using a service account with Google DLP Role and getting: 403 Not allowed, access denied for permission in a customer-owned account. Google DLP user role appears to have What else could be…
1 answer

how to obfuscate personal informations maintaining data semantic structure (Italian GDPR law)

as I imagine many of you have already done, I'm facing the problem of obfuscating the personal sensitive data of my databases for test operations. In fact, it happens that to perform tests or verify malfunctions, we make a copy of the production…
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"ValueError: Protocol message DeidentifyTemplate has no 'deidentifyTemplate' field."

I am trying to create DE-identification template using GCP DLP API client library(Python 3). I have successfully created de-identification template using POST method. What the DE-identification template dose is encrypt some PII fields using Google…
2 answers

how to configure Google Cloud Platform Data Loss Prevention client library for python to work behind a SSL proxy?

I am trying to have Google Cloud Platform Data Loss Prevention (DLP) client library for python working behind a SSL proxy: I am using the code snippet from the doc: # Import…
1 answer

How to write a De-Identifying template in Google BigQuery

I am trying to De Identify certain columns from a CSV file in Google Cloud Services. The CSV file contains 10 columns having ID, FirstName, LastName, D-O-B, etc. I am trying to mask the fields FirstName and LastName to replace them with * character.…
1 answer

Getting Code 3 Error: In KmsWrappedCryptoKey

getting the following error while trying to follow sample code to generate surrogate hash by setting cryptoHashConfig { Error: In KmsWrappedCryptoKey at…
1 answer

About Google Cloud dlpJob naming: is an 'i-' prefix added to a dlpJob's jobId by default?

I'm using Google Cloud DLP api to create dlpJob and get its status, and have question about the jobId of a dlpJob. I find that when I create a dlpJob with the jobId 'testJob', it will have the jobId 'i-testJob' assigned by Google Cloud, and I have…
1 answer

cloud DLP - sample / how to , convert a local file (Linux) to a secure CSV file

Do I really need a Google Cloud box to run DLP conversion for a local file before up-load to a Google Cloud bigquery box? I just want to convert a csv file to a secure data protective file format ?
1 answer

Invalid Info Type

Getting the following error for the info type: ENCRYPTION_KEY. {\n \"code\": 400,\n \"message\": \"Invalid built-in info type name \\"ENCRYPTION_KEY\\".\",\n \"status\": \"INVALID_ARGUMENT\"\n }\n}\n","errorVerbose":"DLP non 200. Body:…
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Google DLP takes a long time to process

I tried using Google DLP (in particular inspecting text - string of less than 80 characters) and I find that requests take over two seconds to fulfill. Is this normal? Is there a way to reduce the processing time?
1 answer

Could not find or load main class com.example.dlp.Inspect

I'm trying to run the DLP inspect command on GCP Cloud shell as shown on the "example - Inspect a string" page. I ran the following commands in this order: mvn clean package (Build was successful) java -cp…