Questions tagged [git-flow]

The git-flow workflow defines a strict branching model designed around a project release. It provides a robust framework for managing larger projects. Use this tag for help with applying git-flow to your workflow, or for help with the supporting scripts (either the original scripts or the AVH Edition).

A workflow and a series of scripts for tagging and branching a development project that uses the Git distributed version control system.

The original scripts have not been updated since 2012. An updated fork of the scripts is git-flow AVH Edition, maintained by Peter van der Does.

986 questions
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Merging hotfix branch to develop re-introduces old changes

We have been trying git flow in our team. We create release branch base off of develop branch. Then we merge release branch to develop and master after release. We have made several releases so far without hotfix. Now, we just had an incident that…
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How to find Conflicts in merge request before create

How to find git conflicts Before creating merge request? I want to find conflicts before create merge request and push that. if I test merge and not conflict exit branches merged and I don't want that.
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Deployment triggers on new release branch

I've been doing some research for our team to migrate to a new branching strategy. Currently we are using the github flow with only master and feature branches. But since we have some trouble with hotfixes im thinking that we should migrate to the…
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Two feature branches. Where to put modifcations?

I'm using typical git branche flow. The main branch is develop and feature branches are created when needed. Let's say, that I created feature-test branch. Next I created and tested one Class Test. Finally the branch was merged into develop. Now…
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What is the right process in using Git Flow?

I am using Git Flow, "A successful Git branching model": but I do not fully understand it, so I am asking your help. In our project we are using gitlab and there are 2 branches from the…
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What on earth is the relationship between Git and Git workflow?

I'm a bit confused about these two terms git & gitflow. I know that Git is one of the version control systems, and git workflow is something about 'master/develop/feature/release/hotfix branches'. But what on earth is the relationship between…
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Setup pull requests with git flow and azure pipelines

I'm trying to setup a library project using DevOps. The branching strategy choosed is git-flow in order to have use git version and follow semver with releases and hotfixes. So i tried was to protect both develop and release branches by activating…
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Git workflow for two type product with 80% similarity

I have a two type product with 80% basic code (Community Edition & Enterprise Edition). I have a little knowledge about git-flow and like it, but I don't know to integrate with my needs. Some Enterprise Edition feature shouldn't be include in…
Ehsan Ali
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git merge both directions crashes history

I'm used to work with sourcetree and git-flow. Before closing a feature branch I usually merge develop into it. To do so I right click the develop branch within my feature branch and choose 'merge develop into feature/...'. Afterwards I use the…
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Squashed feature branch appears as part of dev branch via Source Tree

I'm using Source Tree as Git GUI of choice. I'm trying to implement git-flow system, meaning that most of the commits will be done in feature branches. As you can see on this image, creating feature branches, pushing commits and merging them back to…
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Git removed all files

I just initialized a repository by applying git flow init git remote add origin git add . I noticed that I needed to comment on a folder, then used git reset --hard And tried to add the folder to .gitignore, but…
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GitFlow, when to merge between branches

I have introduced GitFlow to my Team and right now we are working using the following branch structure, which blend perfectly well with our internal workflows: Current Structure We have master which makes a pull request from dev every end of Sprint…
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Git Flow for multiple teams

We have a situation regarding branches and versioning. e.g. We have a master branch with 2.0 version, now what it gets complicated is we have three teams working on the same project but in different sprints ending in different dates. Example Sprint…
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What are other benefits of using release mode in continuous integration practice?

A single release branch into which shipped code is merged and tagged by release version. The stable code is merged, from the master, into the release branch when preparing for a release. The CI server builds in release mode and optimizes for…
2 answers

What files am I working on?

A question I frequently ask my terminal is: What files am I working on? (including committed files) The answer is usually gotten by this command git diff my_current_work_branch..master_branch | grep diff this gives me a crude list of files that I'm…
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