Questions tagged [git-flow]

The git-flow workflow defines a strict branching model designed around a project release. It provides a robust framework for managing larger projects. Use this tag for help with applying git-flow to your workflow, or for help with the supporting scripts (either the original scripts or the AVH Edition).

A workflow and a series of scripts for tagging and branching a development project that uses the Git distributed version control system.

The original scripts have not been updated since 2012. An updated fork of the scripts is git-flow AVH Edition, maintained by Peter van der Does.

986 questions
1 answer

What are the steps to push a hotfix to the server?

Currently I'm using Git flow. On the branch develop I run this command: $ git flow hotfix start ID20208 All ok, so far. Then, I do my changes and I run git add and git commit. Next, I run git push and I receive this alert: fatal: The current branch…
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Creating git feature branch using teamcity

I want to create git feature branch using teamcity and also merge it to dev using teamcity. Is it possible and how?
1 answer

developer vs release branch gitflow

I'm new to gitflow so have a few questions. Do we really need the developer branch? What purpose does it serve? We can very well have a master branch where everything gets merged to production level. Then for each release we have release branches…
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Git - Models with composition and branches

According to @nvie's definition of feature branch, I think that every class of a project should be a feature branch. For example: git checkout -b car develop git checkout -b wheel develop git checkout -b engine develop And in each branch, I define…
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Couldn't install git-flow on ubuntu 10.04

I am trying to install git-flow on Ubuntu 10.04 but I am getting the following error: eading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package git-flow I have exected these…
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How to remove parent commits from a child branch

I had a parent branch and a child branch created from the parent branch. After merging the parent branch to the master, the branch was deleted. I've made some more changes in child branch and when I created the pull request, I can see the commits of…
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How to set up the branching strategy for multiple-sequential stories (Git Flow)?

We're migrating from TFS to Git (Azure DevOps) and I'm not clear on the best strategy for the following scenario: We have two Stories in a Sprint. PBI-1: Add functionality XYZ PBI-2: Extend functionality XYZ Note: Each PBI will be quite "large",…
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How to deploy simultaneously several critical bugs with Gitflow process as soon as possible?

So we use the Gitflow process for a safe and sound CID ( But something's wrong. Let's say we have 10 critical bugs on prod - they must be fixed asap. So 10 bugs are…
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What is a "production release"?

After reading the docs for git flow I am expected to know about some completely undefined "production release" but I have no idea what it is and it is completely undefined. They expect me to answer the following: Branch name for production…
Niklas R.
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Need a Git workflow with multiple development branches

I'm hoping someone can point me toward a workflow that will make sense for our setup, because sorting through all the conflicting information online has proven somewhat useless. We have been using a modified version of the "GitFlow" workflow for the…
Keith Pickering
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1 answer

How to handle dependecies between branches in git-flow?

I've been working on feature_A while another dev works on feature_B. Now, the other dev needs a small functionallity that's implemented in my feature_A, but I've not finished the whole feature itself. How should I share the code to the other dev? Is…
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