
I'm using typical git branche flow. The main branch is develop and feature branches are created when needed. Let's say, that I created feature-test branch. Next I created and tested one Class Test. Finally the branch was merged into develop. Now I'm working on the second branch and noticed that Test class should have one more method that would be used inside files on the current branch.

What should I do in this case? Make modifications on the current branch or on the previous?

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    there no unique answer to this question, it is really opinion-based. But most of all, _it depends_ on your company guidelines, if they exist – Daemon Painter May 14 '20 at 08:29

1 Answers1


As you have already merged feature-test branch into develop branch, I would suggest you to create new feature branch feature-testupdate forked out of develop branch, as it seems the policy your company has been following.

Handle one thing at a time. Forget about your previous feature-test branch and start a fresh feature branch feature-test-updated out of develop. Now work on your modifications on the fresh feature branch feature-test-updated.

Venkataraman R
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