Questions tagged [gamepad]

A type of game controller held in two hands

A gamepad (also called joypad or control pad), is a type of game controller held in two hands, where the fingers (especially thumbs) are used to provide input. Gamepads generally feature a set of action buttons handled with the right thumb and a direction controller handled with the left. The direction controller has traditionally been a four-way digital cross (also named a joypad, or alternatively a D-pad), but most modern controllers additionally (or as a substitute) feature an analog stick.

249 questions
4 answers

Is the HTML5 Gamepad API limited to only 4 Controllers?

I'm correctly able to get input from 4 controllers through using the HTML5 Gamepad API within a browser. What I'm having trouble with is getting input from 8 controllers. These being all Xbox 360 controllers, I know…
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How to tell Siri Remote button presses and gamepad button presses apart?

I wrote an override for pressesBegan(_ presses: Set, with event: UIPressesEvent?) on my ViewController. open override func pressesBegan(_ presses: Set, with event: UIPressesEvent?) { #if os(tvOS) for press in presses { …
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tvOS - game control via non-Siri remote

I'm working on a game in Objective-C. The Siri remote works great via GCMicroGamepad and real MFi controllers work well via GCGamepad. However, third-party IR remotes do not work at all in-game (and neither does the Remote App on iPhone or an older…
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How does one handle input from a character device/gamepad directly in Linux systems?

I am developing a program in C that uses a USB SNES controller for input on a RPM based distribution. Is there a library anyone knows of that makes this easier to interact with, or some tool (joydev?) that allows to properly read input from the…
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How to detect gamepad triggers both pushed with USB HID API?

I use RawInput + Windows USB HID API to receive WM_INPUT message when a gamepad button is pressed and retrieve gamepad state. There's a problem: two triggers work on same axis which means you can't figure out if two triggers are pressed at the same…
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Can I use gamepads with Node-Webkit (NW.js)?

I am building a NW.js (Node-Webkit) dashboard app which I want to be able to control with a game controller (for example: XBox 360 controller or Logitech controller). I'm calling the following onready but when I debug its not recognizing any…
1 answer

Rumble support with Gamepads?

I have read through both the MDN Gamepad API page and the W3C Gamepad API page, and I have found nothing about any rumble features with Gamepads. I found one page that referenced rumble support in FireFox with an android phone, but only had one…
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Detect volume and home button presses on the Siri Remote

It's relatively straightforward to detect some button presses on the tvOS Siri Remote: the pause/play button, the touchpad area, and with marginally more effort, the MENU button. But there seems to be no way detect or override the function of the +…
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3 answers

How to differentiate a D-pad movement from a Joystick movement?

I need to have two different behaviors, one for D-pad and another for the analog Joystick (on the same gamepad). The problem is that on the onGenericMotionEvent callback, both have the same information on the MotionEvent and I am not able to…
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Unity 5 doesn't see my PS4 controller

I've been seeing people use XBOX, PS3 and PS4 controllers for awhile now but haven't had a reason to mess with them until now. Today I purchased a PS4 Dual Shock 4 wireless controller. I'm running Unity 5 on a MacBook Pro with latest OS X version.…
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pygame: detect Joystick disconnect, and wait for it to be reconnected

I'm using a pygame.joystick.Joystick object and want to be able to print a message asking the user to reconnect a usb joystick once it's been unplugged. right now I have (roughly): js = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) #... some game code and…
Ryan Haining
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5 answers

XNA show xbox onscreen keyboard in PC

I need to show, and input some text in xbox-like onscreen keyboard. Sadly, when I call Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput, there is only some funny textbox shown, and i must fill it via keyboard. I know, that on PC iv very normal to use keyboard, but in…
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1 answer

Gamepad required - android tv - releasing app

I have uploaded app on android tv which supports gamepad but it's not required. Unfortunately google play store shows that pad is required. I know it's something with manifest but it looks good to me. This is important part i guess uses-feature…
Seba Dudek
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IOKit: Not receiving HID interrupt reports from DualShock 4 controller connected with Bluetooth

Introduction I am working on getting full support for the PlayStation 4 Controller using the HID interface in IOKit. The controller is connected over Bluetooth. I can open a connection to the controller and start receiving reports, however, once I…
David Skrundz
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0 answers

android gamepad background service

My friends and I are trying to use android gamepad key presses to trigger phone calls. We want this to work even if the device is asleep. What would be the appropriate manner to approach this? I have found android.view.InputDevice and KeyEvent…
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