Questions tagged [apple-tv]

Apple TV is a digital media receiver developed and sold by Apple. It is a small form factor network appliance designed to play IPTV digital content originating from the iTunes Store, Netflix, YouTube, Flickr, MobileMe,, NBA League Pass or any macOS or Windows computer running iTunes onto an enhanced-definition or high-definition widescreen television.

Apple TV is a digital media receiver developed and sold by Apple.

It is a small form factor network appliance designed to play IPTV digital content originating from the iTunes Store, Netflix, YouTube, Flickr, MobileMe,, NBA League Pass or any macOS or Windows computer running iTunes onto an enhanced-definition or high-definition widescreen television.

Since version 4 it also supports App installation from the Apple AppStore.



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540 questions
9 answers

How to extend iOS app to tvOS

I have an iOS app that I need to extend to tvOS. All the information that I found are explaining how to start from scratch! Is there any way to extend my app to tvOS or I should start a new project with it? Update1: My question is: How to extend my…
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1 answer

Custom fonts in a tvOS TVML app

Is there a way to use custom fonts in an Apple tvOS TVML based application? I've tried the @font-face at-rule to no avail.