Questions tagged [game-maker]

GameMaker is a Windows and Mac OS IDE which allows users to easily develop computer games without the requirement of prior computer programming experience.

Game maker

GameMaker is designed to allow its users to easily develop video games without having to learn a complex programming language such as C++ or Java through its proprietary drag and drop system. These icons represent actions that would occur in a game, such as movement, basic drawing, and simple control structures. It is also possible to create custom "action libraries" using the Library Maker.


GameMaker primarily runs games that use 2D graphics, allowing the use of limited 3D graphics. It supports the ability to create particle effects such as rain, snow and clouds, however not natively in 3D except through use of Dynamic Link Library.


Game Maker Language (GML) is the primary interpreted scripting language used in GameMaker, which is usually significantly slower than compiled languages such as C++ or Delphi. It is used to further enhance and control the design of a game through more conventional programming, as opposed to the drag and drop system.


GameMaker accommodates redistribution on multiple platforms. The program builds for these platforms: Windows, Windows 8, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, HTML5, Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, Tizen, Xbox One, and Playstation.

Source: Wikipedia

411 questions
1 answer

Making a wrapper dll to let gamemaker handle the C++ standard libraries

Gamemaker is a neat tool which allows for some good RAD. However it has quite a few shortcomings. One of those is the lack of a good standard library. True you have the "ds_*" type members, but those are quite lacking. The priority queue for example…
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2 answers

How to fade out text after a second in GameMaker

In my game, if the player goes through a door, I would like to have text appear for one second and then fade out. I'm using GameMaker:Studio 1.4
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Gamemaker and undetected collisions

I'm making an RPG in Game Maker Studio Pro 1.4.1772, and I have a guy that can run around a demo room, and movement and collisions are all groovy. I just tried to make a door to move to a new room. I've followed this example exactly, and have some…
1 answer

Sin wave line from x1,y1 to x2,y2

EXAMPLE PICTURE : I want to be able to draw lines from one point to another that are just like the lines shown in the picture above, but I'm not sure how to go about doing so. I'm using GML but if you give me any other code then i'll more than…
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1 answer

How do I change a objects sprite in gamemaker based on its direction on movement in Game Maker?

I am making a maze game in game maker v1.4.1763, and need some help changing a objects sprite based on its direction of movement. I am currently have an object following the mouse using game makers drag and drop 'move towards" action. I have sprites…
Liam Bess
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1 answer

Forward a port using TCP (or anything else) in Gamemaker Studio

I'm trying to make a global multiplayer game in Gamemaker Studio. But I need to automatically forward ports of the client PC to the router. The only way to do it in Gamemaker I can imagine is by using TCP/HTTP to tell the router to forward the…
1 answer

Software Crash; Error setting path: "rfPersonal"

I have the Pro version of Gamemaker Studio, and it has worked for months, but recently it started throwing this message and failing to open. I have tried everything from restarting, reinstalling, installing different builds, clearing %appdata%, and…
1 answer

View Size in GameMaker: Studio dependent on first room

I am making a game in GameMaker: Studio. I am attempting to automatically set the view size of the game to the computer's current screen resolution. I have an initialisation room called room_init. It contains the following code at the start of the…
J. Malcolm
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1 answer

Game Maker - Turn On/Off Sound

What I have I have two rooms: rm_home and rm_options. I have a sound: snd_Bgm. And, I have three objects: obj_bgm, obj_BtnOnClicked, and obj_BtnOffClicked. What I want is very simple Player can turn on/off the snd_Bgm. What I have done In obj_bgm, I…
Grace Michelle
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2 answers

GameMaker Studio Physics Object Precise Collisions

Is it possible to have a physics object in GameMaker Studio use precise collisions? Here's some context for my question. I'm making a pirate game where the player sails around a large ocean with a number of islands. I've been using the physics…
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1 answer

Game Maker Turn On/Off Sound Effects

I'm making a game, which has a setting to turn on/off all sfx. I have these sfx: snd_hover, snd_click, and snd_back. These sfx are automatically played from the home screen. I have tried these function: audio_exists audio_stop_all but all sfx are…
Grace Michelle
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1 answer

Is there an easier way of getting Utc time in gamemaker?

The only way I have found is this: round(date_second_span(date_create_datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0),date_current_datetime()));
Mark Hetherington
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1 answer

GameMaker Studio, GLSL ES Shader, different results on Android

I try to implement a fullscreen GLSL ES shader in my GameMaker Studio project. However, I get different results on almost every device I test. I made a small test project to showcase the problem. Vertex Shader: attribute vec3 in_Position; …
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3 answers

Unable to test game in game maker studio 1.4

My son is trying to create his first game using Game Maker Studio 1.4. We followed all steps in the book we are using (Game maker for kids). We now want to try to run the game, but it does not work. Game Maker shows a Windows dialog that says…
Wim Deblauwe
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2 answers

How to freeze sprite animation on last frame?

I want to make a sprite in game maker that contains 5 sub images to stop when it reaches the last one how can I do this using code?
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