Questions tagged [display]

Display refers to a style property in CSS. Common values include - but are not limited to - block, inline-block, inline, table, flex, none.

The CSS display property is specified using keyword values. Keyword values are grouped into six value categories:

.element {
  display:  [ <display-outside> | <display-inside> ] | <display-listitem> | <display-internal> | <display-box> | <display-legacy> ;
2355 questions
6 answers

What is the difference between display: inline and display: inline-block?

What exactly is the difference between the inline and inline-block values of CSS display?
Logesh Paul
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7 answers

Show DataFrame as table in iPython Notebook

I am using iPython notebook. When I do this: df I get a beautiful table with cells. However, if i do this: df1 df2 it doesn't print the first beautiful table. If I try this: print df1 print df2 It prints out the table in a different format…
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7 answers

Display / print all rows of a tibble (tbl_df)

tibble (previously tbl_df) is a version of a data frame created by the dplyr data frame manipulation package in R. It prevents long table outputs when accidentally calling the data frame. Once a data frame has been wrapped by tibble/tbl_df, is there…
Zhe Zhang
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4 answers

CSS: Is a hidden object clickable?

If the visibility property of the style of an HTML element is set to hidden, is it still clickable? When the display property is set to none, the element is not even part of the DOM tree, so that is not a problem. But I was wondering if a hidden…
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1 answer

Display property differences for inline-*something*

I noticed that people covered specifics of some display properties in a 1:1 comparison, but there are quite a few that have not been covered in illustrating the differences. Could someone explain the differences between the various inline-something…
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JavaScript - add transition between display:none and display:block

I am using JavaScript to toggle notification like below. How can I add transition between display: block and display: none; I don't want to add an external library like jQuery because I am only going to be using the toggle effect alone. var btn =…
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2 answers

Display() in Python

I'm trying to get my data head to display but I get an error message: NameError: name 'display' undefined import pandas as pd data = pd.DataFrame(data=[tweet.text for tweet in tweets], columns=['Tweets']) display(data.head(10)) Any ideas on how…
Matt Wonderwall
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4 answers

Best replacement for font tag in html

Since the font tag in HTML is being deprecated in HTML5 (and I understand why) is there a clean solution for applying certain attributes and styles to only portions of a paragraph text? I'm using JavaScript to parse an XML file that relies on the…
Taylor Lopez
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3 answers

Samsung Galaxy S8 full screen mode

Latest Samsung's smartphone has interesting feature called full screen (or in marketing terms infinity display). In this mode app covers also part of display where home/back buttons are. Usual apps don't cover this area, leaving it black. But…
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4 answers

Align two divs horizontally (one on extreme left and the other on extreme right of container)

I'm working on a game website and want to place two divs inside a 'header' div such that they are horizontally aligned and to the left and right of this container div. See below for an example: Oli …
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2 answers

What is display:ruby

While going through the css drafts spec for display properties came across this property display:ruby A little bit of search explained that is used for showing Japanese characters . is this the only use case? (using it for normal text doesnt do…
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3 answers

Justify divs left in parent

I have the following requirement. The green colored parent width will be varying depending on device width. I need all the boxes to be in the center of the parent. I have tried the following things already, but it didnt help me. Trial 1 Parent…
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1 answer

MatPlotLib Dollar Sign with Thousands Comma Tick Labels

Given the following bar chart: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A', 'B'], 'B': [1000,2000]}) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(2, 2)) df.plot(kind='bar', x='A', y='B', …
Dance Party2
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6 answers

Is there a selector to exclude display: none elements?

I want to select only whose parents have display: block and exclude those whose parents have display:none. Is there any way to accomplish this?
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9 answers

Is changing default display property a good practice?

TL;DR Is it a bad practice to change default display property in my CSS? Issue Recently, in our project we had to position 2 header tags so they would look like one. They had the same font size and similar styling so the only issue was how to place…
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