Questions tagged [soundeffect]

86 questions
5 answers

Android: How to create fade-in/fade-out sound effects for any music file that my app plays?

The application that I am working on plays music files. If a timer expires I want the music to fade out. How do I do that. I am using MediaPlayer to play music and music files are present in raw folder of my application.
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Audio still plays when iPhone volume is turned all the way down to silent

The way I am currently playing background music and other sounds in my app is behaving very strangely: Turn the background music off, and the other sounds played are MUCH louder. With the background music on, the the audio is MUCH quieter. You can…
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Reverb effect in iPhone app

Can anyone please give pointers how we can add re verb effect to a recording in an iPhone app? Vocal live free on app store is a pretty good example of how I would want to include reverb effect. Core Audio Overview in iOS documentation references…
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Cocos Denshion: Play sound effect in sync with music

I am making a music game and when the user presses a note it will produce a sound. The sound naturally needs to play immediately when the user presses, so they can tell whether they are in time with the music. However, it feels as if the sound is…
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XNA Sound Effects slowing the system massively

I have just run through the very useful begginers tutorial at and am reasonably happy with the outcome. However, I have noticed that by using 3 .wav files for the sound effects, the game…
Ryan Durrant
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Sound Effect Library/Extension for OpenAL (running on iOS)?

I want to do some DSP effect processing, create effect like flanger, echo, etc. Could it be done via OpenAL? Or should I use enterely different framework/library?
Geri Borbás
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0 answers

Sound manipulation / Sound effects in Android

I am in the process of building an app that records a user's voice and then apply a sound effect to it, like different pitch ( but with same tempo ), distortion, robotic voice, etc... Obviously there are a lot of apps doing this so it is possible.…
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What audio format should I use for java?

I am making a Java based game for which I want to add some sound effects. I searched and found myself more confused. I know the coding differs from file format to format. I just need some sounds - does not matter which format. So please suggest me…
Sunil Shahi
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DSP sound effect library for iPhone/iPad/iOS?

Any 3rd party, or built in stuff?
Geri Borbás
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1 answer

Concatenating SoundEffects (wav) and saving to isolated storage

I am having an awful time trying to come up with a good solution to this problem of mine. I have 3 sound effects that are marked as content on the phone, all the same bitrate. sound1.wav sound2.wav sound3.wav I want the user to be able to be able…
Shaun Doty
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1 answer

Play audio source from script

I jumbled a few Tutorials together for my first simple game. I have 2 audio sources under my GameObject that I use as the character. They both play via "play on awake". Only one plays from script. The other either doesn’t sound at all or gives a few…
2 answers

UWP AudioGraph AudioFileInputNode change pitch

How to change pitch in node of AudioGraph in UWP app? I'm trying to port the application from WP7 to uwp (Windows 10, Mobile). in my WP7 app i use code: SoundEffect soundEffect = //...(load sound effect). SoundEffectInstance soundInstance =…
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Game Maker Turn On/Off Sound Effects

I'm making a game, which has a setting to turn on/off all sfx. I have these sfx: snd_hover, snd_click, and snd_back. These sfx are automatically played from the home screen. I have tried these function: audio_exists audio_stop_all but all sfx are…
Grace Michelle
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Libgdx Sound Effect is not playing Fluently or Completely issue only on Android (lagg effect on sound)

I developed a nice game with libgdx + java, for android as target platform. I am almost at the end, only improving the maps is the remaining task. Till now I was running - debugging my game on desktop because you know libgdx is cross platform and my…
0 answers

Android voice modulator

I want to create an android app that inputs the user's voice and modulate it in real-time. Therefore, I wanted to ask if there are any libraries or functions to input the speech/voice and change its pitch,etc. Any in built functions...? Thank you.
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