Questions tagged [game-maker-studio-2]

GameMaker Studio 2 (often called GMS2) is a 2D game development IDE. It is the next iteration of GameMaker: Studio, developed and published by YoYo Games. Use this tag only if your question relates to IDE operation, features and game development in GameMaker Studio 2.

GameMaker Studio 2 (often called GMS2) released early 2017, is a 2D game development IDE. It is the next iteration of GameMaker: Studio, developed and published by YoYo Games.

The IDE features Drag and Drop (DnD™) code blocks for easy programming, or a fully fledged code editor using GameMaker's proprietary language GML (GameMaker Language).

The IDE also comes with a full suite of art, object and level design tools and editors, allowing full game creation without the need of any external software.


128 questions
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GameMaker Studio 2 collaboration between windows and osx

So I've been working on a game with a friend and we've run into a continuing problem with the .yyp file. At first we had the .yyp file under git control but whenever one of us would pull down the the other's changes the game wouldn't be able to run…
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Issue getting gradient square in glsl es 2.0, Gamemaker Studio 2.0

I made a triangle list with 4 triangles, having the middle point a different color. And then aim to combine the triangles to get a nice gradient. But the edges of the triangles create unwanted lines, I don't want these lines I want it to be smooth…
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Adding cycles to a Minimum Spanning Tree without moving the points?

I am generating a dungeon layout for a video game. I have created the rooms, spaced them out using seperation steering, and created a fully connected weighted, undirected graph of the rooms. Then I calculated a MST using Prim's Algorithm, all using…
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I want to know how transformed "a-(a%b) " to "a&(~b)" (snapping grid formula)

When I searching about Snapping grid function. Actually it is Tile Collide.(You maybe know I learning GMS2 because of tags..) It is not important for my question. Cut to the chase, I learned about this formula. pos.x - (pos.x % gridwidth) <- this…
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My GML shuffling array function is alway returning the same result

I'm trying to make a shuffling array function in GML. Here's what I tried, with argument0 being the array to shuffle and argument1 being the size of this array: ///Shuffling array function //argument0: the array to shuffle //argument1: the size of…
1 answer

Game would not run in game maker and it said "cannot use function/script name for a variable,using"motion_add"

this was happening to me as I tried to make an astroids game on game maker. I put in the code motion_add[image_angle, 0.2] and it was working fine then it said "cannot use function/script name for a variable,using"motion_add" if you guys could…
2 answers

GameMaker 2.2* => 2.3 Update fix arrays

In new GameMaker 2 update there are so many major changes: We develop our game ( on this engine for 3 years. There was no other way to…
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Why doesn't Xcode have permission to view files?

I tried to run my program on iOS. Build was successful but in the end I am getting a message that I don't have permission to view it. I tried to make Read/Write permission but it doesn't work. Any ides?
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Game Maker Studio 2 - How to give one input priority over another when controlling the same object?

I'm trying to control an aiming object in a game I'm starting on with two different inputs, one is the left stick so you can aim while moving, and one is the right stick for more precise aim, but I'm having trouble making it so I can control it with…
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Game Maker Studio 2 get_string deprecated

I am trying to ask the user for a name to put into my highscore table. I do not want to use get_string_async because then it adds a the name and score before the user has even given a name, however get_string does not work because it is…
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8 answers

Game Maker Language new line

I am writing a GML script and wanted to know how to make a message appear on the next line: ex. show_message("Hello" + *something* + "World") outputs: Hello World
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Realiable UDP - When does the TCP handshake occur?

Trying to develop a reliable UDP protocol for my game (made in GameMaker: Studio) that connects to a Java server. I need to ensure packets arrive and that they arrive in the correct order. I'm trying to model off of the TCP protocol to do this, and…
1 answer

MACROS in gamemaker function throwing error

This Code var within_rangex = is_within(x,o_player.x,PLAYER_REACH); throwing the error Got ';' (;) expected ',' I Have No Idea Why, when using magic numbers there is no error thrown. EDIT: The Script In Which PLAYER_REACH Is Defined. // This…
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I need help for gamemaker 2.3

Pls help me A few weeks ago it came out of gamemaker 2.3, practically in the gamemaker language they changed the scripts into functions, but now after converting the files to be able to reopen them, I double-checked all the scripts and etc but…
2 answers

Game Maker WASD and arrow keys smooth rotation?

How can I make smooth rotation using WASD or arrow keys? I saw some exaples, but they all use mouse. I surely want to use WASD or arrow keys. I really hope someone can help me with this. This is my code so far. // You can write your code in this…
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