Questions tagged [game-maker-studio-2]

GameMaker Studio 2 (often called GMS2) is a 2D game development IDE. It is the next iteration of GameMaker: Studio, developed and published by YoYo Games. Use this tag only if your question relates to IDE operation, features and game development in GameMaker Studio 2.

GameMaker Studio 2 (often called GMS2) released early 2017, is a 2D game development IDE. It is the next iteration of GameMaker: Studio, developed and published by YoYo Games.

The IDE features Drag and Drop (DnD™) code blocks for easy programming, or a fully fledged code editor using GameMaker's proprietary language GML (GameMaker Language).

The IDE also comes with a full suite of art, object and level design tools and editors, allowing full game creation without the need of any external software.


128 questions
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GameMaker Studio 2 Click-Drag Tile Selection

I would like to implement a simple way to select a section of a tilemap, though I'm stuck on the math of updating the selected area as you drag. I spent about 12 hours reasearching and trying different things to see if I can get this to work…
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Why is there a "ghost" of the sprite stuck in the background? GMS 2

So I'm making a game in game maker studio 2 and it's kinda like football but with flying. I just made the movement and jetpack controls and last night it was working but when I booted it up this morning, this happened. Normally when you move, you…
Cyan Coder
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1 answer

Gamemaker dcos() and dsin() for drawing aim

the gif will better explain what I'm trying to do. Bow aim. as you can see I can't get the arrow to follow the aim. The problem is I have the Bow and Arrow separate so the bow spawns the arrow and that's the problem I can't get the calculation of…
1 answer

Why my variable is illegal undefined in GML space rocks tutorial?

I'm new to GML and I've just started yesterday. I don't know why "repeat(num1)" in the "spawn_off_camera" didn't work at all and I rechecked it many times but there seems nothing wrong. Can you help me to fix it? My…
1 answer

Unable to Get Bitwise XOR to work in GameMaker 2

I'm trying to implement Zobrist hashing for a chess game and thought I was doing things correctly. However, when I try to apply XOR to a Hash value, it simply changes between 0 (the starting value for the hash) and -2147483648, in spite of…
0 answers

GMS2 trigger for event not working properly

(First of all i'm new to all of this so sorry in advance if this was a waste of time) So I'm creating a game and decided to follow Friendly Cosmonaut's guide on triggers and cutscenes. (link) I followed…
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Gamemaker Studio2, Draw GUI layer conflict

I would like to preface this by saying I am still quite new to gameMakerstudio and I do not know all there is to know about how the software works and this is probably the root cause of my problem as I do not know why I am having this current…
Julian Silvestri
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How to merge a custom AndroidManifest with the main one in Gamemaker Studio 2

I wrote a plugin for GMS2, and it requires some manifest entries too. Usually, the sections (2 & 3) in this image ManifestEntries work for most cases. But if we wanna add some attributes to the main application tag, then we would use the section 1…
1 answer

collision failing in gamemaker 2.0

Here's my collision code. (I got it from FriendlyCosmonaut but added the debug message for my own benefit): // COLLISION CHECK //Horizontal if (place_meeting(x+moveX,y,obj_solid)){ repeat(abs(moveX)){ …
3 answers

How to get access to the instance variable within the Create event?

I have this code in GML2 Create event inst1 = instance_create_layer(100, 100, "Instances", obj_genus) inst2 = instance_create_layer(200, 100, "Instances", obj_genus) with inst1 { txt = "Ying" related = inst2 } with inst2 { txt = "Yang" …
0 answers

GMS2: how to identify devices from Firebase test lab

I'm trying to upload my first game (made in game maker studion 2) to google play. But in an internal test i relized that, before publishing the game, Google makes an analysis with a few tests using Firebase. My first test was with test ads, and the…
1 answer

GMS2 Argument always returns undefined

I'm new to Game Maker Studio 2, whenever I try to call my script with scr_tile_collision(collision_tile_map_id, 16, velocity_[vector2_x]);, it states that the arguments are undefined. In my script I have the following, no matter whether I make the…
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1 answer

Ignoring array out-of-bounds error in GML

I'm sure this is a super weird question, but believe me, it has a point. I have an array of values in GameMaker Language, and I want to be able to search the array for values outside of the array's bounds, and retrieve those out-of-bounds values…
2 answers

How to make PNG (8-bit Indexed Colors) using buffers? Getting "compression header fails checksum"

how are you? I'm trying to make a PNG from scratch on Game Maker Studio 2 using Buffers, but I'm getting some errors using pngcheck: File: [01;37mtest.png[0m (85 bytes) chunk [40;33mIHDR[0m at offset 0x0000c, length 13 2 x 2 image, 8-bit…
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How do i return 2.5 or -2.5 in Gamemaker studio 2?

i want my image_xscale to return either 2.5 or -2.5, all i can do is write sign(h_speeed) which only returns 1 or -1, and i don't want the image_xscale to 1 because it looks thin, and small
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