Questions tagged [fody]

Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies

Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies

Uses Mono.Cecil and an add-in based approach to modifying the IL of .net assemblies at compile time.

  • No install required to build
  • No attributes required
  • No references required
  • Supports .net 3.5, .net 4, .net 4.5, Silverlight 3, Silverlight 4, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 7 and .net Metro on Windows 8, MonoTouch, MonoDroid, Mono
  • Supports client profile mode


159 questions
1 answer

Costura.Fody Embedded Library Namespaces Not Found

I'm using Costura.Fody to embed a bunch of references in my project into a sort of master-library to remove the need to reference every single library in my API. Costura.Fody output shows that the other parts of my library are being embedded, but…
Tyler Camp
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1 answer

How to not fire PropertyChanged when getting entity from database?

I have WPF application where I use some basic class. I also use Fody PropertyChanged and EF 6.1.3. I am trying to change property SaveNeeded whenever any of property is changed. So I write this class: public class Foo : INotifyPropertyChanged { …
  • 422
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1 answer

WPF MVVM OnPropertyChanged defined but not showing on other View Models

Guys. I am implementing an MVVM code. I am using Fody. I created the BaseViewModel Successfully and here is it: using System.ComponentModel; namespace GProject_MVVM.ViewModel { /// /// A base view model that fires Property Changed…
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0 answers

Install Costura Fody Without Nuget

I want to be able to have the features of Costura Fody (merging native assemblies into my executable) but I don't want to have to use "Install-Package Costura.Fody" from Nuget. How can I do this? My ideal solution would be being able to just include…
1 answer

The realm dot net base example does not compile

I am having trouble at getting the example "QuickJournal" to compile on iOS. The code compiles OK, but fails during the Fody step. Goals Try out the example application for .NET through the following - Pull the repository - Open the solution in…
1 answer

Is it possible to embed multiple dll files (references) into final dll file using Fody.Costura?

as title states: Is it possible to embed my references (.dll files) in to my final, compiled .dll file using Fody.Costura? I'm quite sure I did proper setup but I can't see any difference between .dll file compiled with installed Fody.Costura and…
Jakub Mucha
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1 answer

MethodDecorator.Fody in Xamarin.Forms PCL not working

I am trying out Fody for a Xamarin Forms app. However, I keep getting the following issue Now I tried the same code in a .NET console app and everything works like a charm. Looking into the source code for MethodDecorator.Fody, it seems to be an…
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1 answer

Fody MethodDecorator not working

I am trying to create a method decorator using Fody but it gives me the following error: I have taken specific care to not wrap my IMethodDecorator inside any namespace as has been mentioned in a lot of places online. Following is the sample code…
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1 answer

"Fody not properly installed" error exception. (Xamarin.forms)

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms. (PCL Project) Today, I added new three solution packages named SVG.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions, SVG.Forms.Plugin.iOS, SVG.Forms.Plugin.Android on workspace that downloaded from github. I have used realm for…
Bright Lee
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2 answers

"Member 'HttpClient' is declared in another module and needs to be imported" in Mono.Cecil / Fody

and thanks for giving me your time. Background I'm trying to create a new HttpClient in Mono.Cecil, and to add it to a field. Here's my code: TypeDefinition HttpClientDef = ModuleDefinition.GetType(typeof(HttpClient)).Resolve(); TypeDefinition def =…
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1 answer

Project containing a Fody Name.Of weaver works depending on containing solution

I experience the problem that in one solution the Fody weaving, in my case Fody.NameOf, doesn't work. I created a new solution, copied the project in question and in this solution, the weaving works! In the new solution I didn't configure anything…
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1 answer

TFS not weaving Fody assemblies

I am trying to use Fody.PropertyChanged on my project, so I have added [ImplementPropertyChanged] to my class. It all works fine in local, on my dev machine. However, when decompiling the TFS-generated binaries, I find that they are not weaved: they…
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1 answer

Fody.PropertyChanged doesn't fire on inherited Property

I have a Control which inherits from NumericUpDown in WinForms. I want to handle changes to the DecimalPlaces-Property of NumericUpDown, therefore I have both tried declaring a void OnDecimalPlacesChanged() { MessageBox.Show("Moeeep"); } and…
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2 answers

How to access command parameter passed to function when using Fody Commander

I am trying to using Fody Commander to implement Sign in command. My login button XAML is like this:
0 answers

Fody + Mono: the requested feature is not implemented

I'm trying to compile a C# project using Mono and am getting the following exception during compilation using xbuild: Error: Fody: An unhandled exception occurred: Exception: The requested feature is not implemented. StackTrace: at…
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