Questions tagged [fody]

Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies

Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies

Uses Mono.Cecil and an add-in based approach to modifying the IL of .net assemblies at compile time.

  • No install required to build
  • No attributes required
  • No references required
  • Supports .net 3.5, .net 4, .net 4.5, Silverlight 3, Silverlight 4, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 7 and .net Metro on Windows 8, MonoTouch, MonoDroid, Mono
  • Supports client profile mode


159 questions
3 answers

Fody is only supported on MSBuild 16 and above. Current version: 15

Visual Studio 2017 let me know there was an upgrade to Fody version 5 this morning. I accepted and did a NuGet package update of both Fody and PropertyChanged.Fody. Now, my project/solution will no longer build. The error is: "Fody is only…
3 answers

Xamarin issues with Fody.WeavingTask and SolutionDir

I have been trying to use Realm in my Xamarin android proyect, one of it's dependencie is Fody, each time i try to run my app it shows the following error: error MSB4044: The "Fody.WeavingTask" task was not given a value for the required parameter…
keitaro martin
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3 answers

Error Fody: No weavers found. Add the desired weavers via their nuget package

I have already installed Fody in my application several and several times but still this error appears below, could anyone tell me why it happens? I use the latest version of Visual Studio and latest version of Framework
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6 answers

Unable to compile project due to Fody errors. Nothing with Fody (or any other code) has been changed

** This is an issue in Visual Studio 2013. The error I'm getting is massive and mostly useless, but the crux of it is Error 130 Fody: Could not load 'ModuleWeaver' from 'PropertyChanged.Fody, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'…
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3 answers

How to disable Costura.Fody resources embedding in Debug mode?

I'm using Costura.Fody to embed all dlls into my application assembly. Is there any way to disable Costura.Fody in Debug build mode? How to make Costura.Fody to work only in Release or custom build configuration?
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2 answers

Does Fody leave any references/traces in final assembly?

Are there are any traces of Fody, or its dependencies (references), in the final weaved assembly?
Meirion Hughes
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2 answers

Fody Exception in Release Mode Symbol file .dll.mdb does not match assembly .dll

I'm having a problems building a PCL in Xamarin Studio on the Mac. It works fine in debug mode but fody throws an exception in Release Mode. Exception during build is listed below. Error: Fody: An unhandled exception occurred: Exception: Symbol…
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3 answers

Problems with Fody/Costura

To start with: I'm a complete beginner. I have two projects in one solution. One project is a console application, which is called from the windows form application. Now I want to add these to one executable. I was told that it was possible with…
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3 answers

Compile-time / Post-Build Dependency Injection IoC?

I currently use NInject to bind interfaces to concrete types and inject those into my classes. However, it is my understanding that this is a run-time affair. To me, it seems like a point of attack if someone wanted to change the behavior of my…
Meirion Hughes
  • 21,021
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1 answer

What is the "module" keyword in C# .NET?

I am learning C# and came across the keyword module. I would like to know what this module keyword in C# is and how it is useful. For example, consider the below code: [module: Test] public class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
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2 answers

Error on using Fody [ImplementPropertyChanged]

I am Using VS 2017 Community Edition I am creating MVVM pattern. After i installed fody i got error on my code while the instructor of the tutorial implemented it on vs 2015 here is the code: using PropertyChanged; using…
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0 answers

How to introduce new property based on existing property and modify existing one?

I am trying to automate this XmlSerializer workaround pattern. See update below. Is it possible to introduce new property based on existing property and modify attributes of existing one using PostSharp (or maybe some other AOP tool) ? It would be…
Anton Krouglov
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2 answers

MEF - Get assembly from embedded DLL

I am using MEF to create "plugins" for my WPF application. Some of these plugins I want to embed directly into the EXE file as the EXE needs to be standalone. I am using Costura by Fody to embed the resource along with all my other references. As…
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2 answers

Fody Async MethodDecorator to Handle Exceptions

I am trying to use Fody to wrap all exceptions thrown from a method with a common exception format. So I have added the required interface declaration and class implementation that looks like this : using System; using System.Diagnostics; using…
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3 answers

MsBuild cannot resolve MsBuildMajorVersion

I have Visual Studio Solution with more than 100 projects. Five of them have Fody's nuget packages installed (version 6.0.3). When I try to build the Solution I get the following error: Fody.6.3.0\build\Fody.targets(38,12): error MSB4086: A…
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