Questions tagged [firebird-embedded]

Variant of the Firebird database client library that also includes the database server, packed into a single dll or so file. Use this tags for questions about Firebird embedded. It is advisable to also tag with Firebird

Special variant of the Firebird client library that also includes the server. Each Firebird server release also has a release package for Firebird embedded, see the downloads page of a Firebird release.

The major difference between the Server and Embedded versions is the lack of authentication/protection on the database.

The features of embedded are useful for developers wanting to create easy to distribute single-user applications that do not need security.

See also

89 questions
1 answer

Connecting to Firebird database from Windows local network

I have been writing a small Python app for several weeks. The application reads data from a Firebird database and it copies it to another DB. I'm using FDB with Firebird embedded.This is my connection code. def createConnectionTo(path): try: …
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Firebird: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format (Exception from HRESULT:0x8007000B)

System Type: 64-bit OS, x64-based processor Front End: MS Visual Studio 2010 Backend: Firebird database v2.5.0 64-bit Server type: Embedded type (NOTE: Standalone Server v2.5.0 is also present in my system) Firebird .NET Provider v2.5.0 NB:…
gomesh munda
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2 answers

Why the ExecuteNonQuery catch exception {"validation error for column \"ORGTABLE\".\"FIKEYID\", value \"* null *\""}

Why the ExecuteNonQuery catch exception {"validation error for column \"ORGTABLE\".\"FIKEYID\", value \"* null *\""} string stValuesPlaceHolder = "@p0"; for (int iii = 1; iii < liststFieldValuesNoKeyId.Count; iii++) stValuesPlaceHolder += ", @p"…
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0 answers

When a new firebird data connection, inactive the OK button, in C# Window application

The following are installed: - Visual Studio Community 2015 - DDEX from Firebird SQL website - to Solution from NuGet: EntityFramework v6.1.3, EntityFramework.Firebird v4.10.0, FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient v4.10.0 (Firebord ADO.Net Data…
0 answers

System.BadImageFormatException error while opening connection using firebird

Trying to use Firebird db with c# win forms. While trying to open connection its showing me the following error. An unhandled exception of type 'System.BadImageFormatException' occurred in FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.dll Additional information:…
gomesh munda
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1 answer

Firebird database, .net provider, how does it select the 32 or the 64 bit fbemeb.dll?

So there is this cool database called firebird, and it can be used embedded. the .net provider (as far as I understand) it uses the fbembed.dll, which comes in 2 flavors: 32 and 64 bits. How does the .net data provider locates the correct one for…
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1 answer

How to add binary data and string data to firebird database simultaneously in c#

I am currently using this code to attempt saving binary data (pdf file) and string data at the same time: string qy = String.Format( @"INSERT INTO publications ( uploader , filename , title , authors , keywords , file_data , insertdate ) …
Damilola Olowookere
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.NET console app with Firebird Client crashes on program end

This is a small project for a friend where the goal is to read data from a given firebird database file and put it into MS Office 2010 both Firebird as a database backend and .NET 4.x project type office something is the given…
Jürgen Zornig
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1 answer

how to connect UNC-located database to embedded server?

I have next specific situation. I have an application using Firebird embedded server. The files: application executive, database, fbembed.dll are located in the same folder. Everything is good and working good. Now my client says so: I would like…
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1 answer

Firebird and ASP.NET Web Service

I am using Firebird embedded in an Asp.Net Web Site. When I run VS2010 as administrator I can successfully call the database, if I run it as a different user I get this error: System.IO.IOException: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT:…
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1 answer

Is there a way to lock one record before starting to modify that record?

Is there a way to lock one record before starting to modify that record? string stOpenConn = new FbConnectionStringBuilder { Database = stPathFilename, UserID = stUserID, Password = stPassword, ServerType = FbServerType.Embedded, …
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1 answer

FireDac connection string to FireBird 2.5 embedded

I tried this but it seems it does not work: procedure TDataModule3.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FDConnection1.Params.Values['Database'] := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'MYDB.fdb'…
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4 answers

Firebird Embedded & Delphi "unavailable database"

I'm using Firebird 2.5 (Embedded) And Delphi XE2. I kept below files to my aplication root dir : C:\myapp\app.exe C:\myapp\fbclient.dll C:\myapp\icudt30.dll C:\myapp\icuin30.dll C:\myapp\icuuc30.dll C:\myapp\dbxfb.dll And My Connection Settings…
Hamed Kamrava
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1 answer

How to set up Firebird embedded with C++?

I'm trying to set up a Firebird embedded server for a simple C++ application that I'm making. It'll use one .fdb file that's intended to be only used by the application, but I want to be able to move the application and the database file around…
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