
Is there a way to lock one record before starting to modify that record?

string stOpenConn = new FbConnectionStringBuilder {
    Database = stPathFilename,
    UserID = stUserID,
    Password = stPassword,
    ServerType = FbServerType.Embedded,
    ClientLibrary = stCLIENT_LIBRARY

try {
    using(FbConnection fbConn = new FbConnection(stOpenConn)) {

        string stCmd = "UPDATE " + stTableName + " SET " + liststFieldNamesNoKeyID[0] + " = @p0";
        for (int iii = 1; iii < liststFieldNamesNoKeyID.Count(); iii++)
            stCmd += ", " + liststFieldNamesNoKeyID[iii] + " = @p" + iii.ToString();
        stCmd += " WHERE" + stFieldKeyID + "= @p" + liststFieldNamesNoKeyID.Count().ToString();

        FbTransaction fbTransaction = fbConn.BeginTransaction();
        using (FbCommand fbCmd = new FbCommand(stCmd, fbConn, fbTransaction)) {
            for (int iii = 0; iii < liststFieldNamesNoKeyID.Count(); iii++) {
                string stPlaceHolder = "@p" + (iii).ToString();
                string stValue = liststNewValuesNoKeyID[iii];
                fbCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(stPlaceHolder, stValue);
            int iKeyID = Convert.ToInt32(stKeyID);
            fbCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p" + liststFieldNamesNoKeyID.Count().ToString(), iKeyID);

And then releasing after modification is complete?

I presume that the record lock occurs after the connection is open ... before the BeginTransaction ... and releasing the record lock after the fbTransaction.Commit.

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    That is what transactions are for. What are you trying to achieve? – Mark Rotteveel Apr 09 '17 at 19:40
  • The purpose is to keep two people from changing the same record simultaneously. Based on your comment, Mark Rotteveel, it appears that transactions lock the record. I had performed an Internet search prior to this post ... saw nothing that tied transactions to locking a record. Thanks for the clarification! – ttom Apr 09 '17 at 23:36
  • If you update, then another transaction cannot update that same record, while the first transaction has not been committed. – Mark Rotteveel Apr 10 '17 at 08:57
  • This depends on the isolation level for the transaction. – William Xifaras Apr 10 '17 at 13:04
  • @WilliamXifaras In Firebird, trying to update a record that was already updated by another - still active - transaction will result in an update conflict, what depends on the transaction isolation is whether you are allowed to update the record after that transaction has committed. – Mark Rotteveel Apr 10 '17 at 14:00
  • Is there a flag that lets the code know when a transaction is in process by another user? Perhaps one that is similar to a try / catch? – ttom Apr 11 '17 at 01:09
  • Use a no-wait transaction (or a wait transaction with a timeout), and you get an exception if you try to modify a record that is already modified by another transaction. – Mark Rotteveel Apr 11 '17 at 09:44
  • A search provides few "wait" / "no wait" details. It appears that a FbTransactionOptions and TransactionBehavior may work. ----- FbTransaction fbTransaction = fbConn.BeginTransaction(); new FbTransactionOptions() { TransactionBehavior = FbTransactionBehavior.Concurrency | FbTransactionBehavior.Wait }; ----- Is there a website that provides more details, along with an example? – ttom Apr 12 '17 at 14:07

1 Answers1


Depending on how you want to do that, you may use (with care) the "WITH LOCK" clause of a select, which will turn into a pessimistic lock (that's why you need to be cautious when using it). More information at https://firebirdsql.org/refdocs/langrefupd21-notes-withlock.html A "dumb" update will also act as a pessimistic lock.

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