Questions tagged [firebase-remote-config]

Firebase Remote Config allows developers to optimize and customize their iOS, Android and Web apps on the fly.

About Firebase Remote Config

Firebase Remote Config is a component of the Firebase suite of tools for cross-platform application development.

  • Modify your app without a new production deployment
  • Customize content for different Firebase Analytics audiences and measure results
  • Roll out features gradually and monitor the impact

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466 questions
1 answer

What is cache related to Remote Config in Firebase?

I got the concept of Remote Config in Firebase but while invoking fetch() method on the instance FirebaseRemoteConfig like: mFirebaseRemoteConfig.fetch(3600) one has to pass cache expiration time as here it is 3600. But my question is, why does…
Neeraj Sewani
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Not getting data from server with [FIRRemoteConfig remoteConfig]

In the iOS code below, the status of the fetch is FIRRemoteConfigFetchStatusSuccess. When activateFetched is applied in the handler, the result is true. It looks to me therefore as if it should be the case that you can access the remote config…
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1 answer

App crash when call fetch() form firebase remote config

I try to call fetch from remote config and I've got this error. The dependencies that I use. def google_play_version = "11.8.0" compile "$google_play_version" compile…
1 answer

Android:Firebase Remote Config fetch() Method

I am working with Firebase Remote Config. I have read the docs but I am confused about fetch() method in docs that is written Remote Config caches values locally after the first successful fetch. By default the cache expires after 12 hours, but…
Mateen Chaudhry
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How to use remote config to deactivate a mobile app

We are looking to use Firebase Remote Config to be able to set a remote config setting which when retrieved from the Firebase SDK, will cause the application to deactivate the current user's session. Our process flow is: User orders a rented device…
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How Can I Change a String Using Remote Config?

I'm creating an app that plays a sound when a button is clicked. It consists of UIButton to play the sound, UIImageView to display the associated image, and another UIButton which I'm using like a label to describe the button. I want to be able to…
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Remote Config implemented at rnfirebase have a mandatory subscription?

Initially I implemented the exactly Remote Config example from that link: firebase.config().fetch() .then(() => { return firebase.config().activateFetched(); }) .then((activated) => { …
1 answer

Is it possible to adjust/modify simultaneously the Remote Config settings for multiple Firebase projects?

Assuming that we have multiple Firebase projects for multiple apps using the same software, is it possible to modify or adjust the Remote Config settings of all the Firebase projects simultaneously? For instance if a new feature is developed for…
Mircea S.
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1 answer

How do I query for all Firebase AB experiments that a user has seen?

I am working on an iOS app that uses the Firebase iOS SDK and I'm trying to figure out how to access all the Firebase AB experiments that a user has seen as well as the experiment variations that the user was bucketed into. I looked through the…
1 answer

Firebase Remote Config Changes with Firebase Realtime Database for A/B testing

My question is specifically for A/B testing I have a set of strings stored in firebase database. I want to manipulate the data for A/B testing. One way would be to store two strings in Firebase Database. e.g String A and String B. Then let say the…
1 answer

If i run multiple experiments at the same time, will the experiments not affect each other?

I read here( that I could run up to six experiments at the same time. "To start your experiment, click Start Experiment. You can run up to 6 experiments per project at a time." If i run…
1 answer

Get Firebase remote configuration synchronously

I use Firebase for A/B testing. I noticed that i cannot get remote configuration synchronously, because -(void)fetchWithCompletionHandler:(nullable FIRRemoteConfigFetchCompletion)completionHandler; method of FIRRemoteConfig executes completion…
1 answer

How to refresh firebase remote config cache immediately base on cacheExpirationSeconds?

I have problem to refresh remote config value in each seconds even i have set isDeveloperModeEnabled to be true. Here is the code to refresh cache in each second, i want to refresh it immediately because for testing…
0 answers

Android : Firebase remote config failed to fetch parameters

I am trying to run Remote config in my app but everytime I got the same error and I don't know how to solve it... I followed this tutorial : Use Firebase Remote Config on Android So I first, I added the dependency : compile…
1 answer

Firebase Remote Config/Analytics setUserProperty condition does nothing

We are using Firebase to setup different toggle-able features based of whether the app is currently pointing at Beta, Staging or Live so we can test gradually without fully going live with a feature. We do this by setting 3 conditions inside Remote…
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