Questions tagged [firebase-remote-config]

Firebase Remote Config allows developers to optimize and customize their iOS, Android and Web apps on the fly.

About Firebase Remote Config

Firebase Remote Config is a component of the Firebase suite of tools for cross-platform application development.

  • Modify your app without a new production deployment
  • Customize content for different Firebase Analytics audiences and measure results
  • Roll out features gradually and monitor the impact

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466 questions
28 answers

Default FirebaseApp is not initialized

We're seeing a few exceptions with the message Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first. in our Android app in which we just added Firebase Remote Config. The…
Roy Solberg
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8 answers

FirebaseRemoteConfig Error "No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key"

I am using Firebase Core and some other Features, but not Remote Config. Multiple times a second the following Output is on Logcat. Where can I disable the Remote Config functionality or even set those non-existing values? Dependencies: //…
Pascal Syma
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10 answers

Firebase Remote Config: Can't read any values, but fetch is successful

I'm trying to have a remote config parameter using the new Remote Config feature of Firebase, and I'm having an issue. Here's my Remote Config console: I'm doing a fetch and update in my Application's onCreate(): final FirebaseRemoteConfig…
Steven Schoen
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4 answers

FirebaseRemoteConfig.fetch() does not trigger OnCompleteListener every time

I'm trying to implement Firebase Remote Config : override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { val configSettings = FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings.Builder().setDeveloperModeEnabled(BuildConfig.DEBUG).build() mFirebaseRemoteConfig =…
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4 answers

Firebase Remote Config feature for web app (after Firebase expansion)

I am building a web application with Firebase and I saw they released their expansion with all great new features. However, the Remote Config section is now only available for Android and IOS apps. Is there a way to apply the remote config also on…
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2 answers

Is it OK to use Firebase RemoteConfig to store API Keys?

Note: For clarification this is not the Firebase API Key, this may be more like a token...something that the client app possesses, and the server endpoint verifies. We are trying to do even better to secure an API Key (think token that is used to…
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5 answers

Can I declare an array to Firebase Remote config?

I am a novice to Android and Firebase. Is it possible to declare an array inside the the Parameter key of Firebase Remote Config? I want to provide some promotions to some specific models/mobile devices. So if I could declare an array of…
Munir Hoque
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2 answers

'setConfigSettings(FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings!): Unit' is deprecated

After upgrading Firebase libraries to implementation "" implementation '' implementation '' and syncing Gradle, I got…
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1 answer

Firebase Remote Config A/B testing shows no results after 24 hours

I configured Firebase Remote Config A/B testing for Android, and we did rollout on at least 10K devices. For some reason, I see "0 users" in my A/B test after more than 24 hours. Firebase GMS version is: 11.8.0 Should it show A/B participants in…
Vyacheslav A
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4 answers

Can I initialize Firebase without using google-services.json?

EDIT: I should emphasize, I have flavors, for which I don't want to use any of these Google services, and attempting to apply the google-services plugin in such a case, without having an applicable google-services.json, would result in a failed…
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2 answers

How to get updated remote config values after setting user properties

I'm currently running an A/B test on a remote config value in Firebase. The target of the test is for users with a user property X that is contained in a regex. My problem is that I fetch the remote configs for the user BEFORE setting the user…
4 answers

Android: Firebase remoteConfig getString() method is removing quotes from string inside default.xml

i have the following remote config_default.xml file LOCAL_JSON [{"title":"TitleA","path":"pathA","image_url":" Some URL…
1 answer

Firebase remote config cache expiration time in release

I'm trying to setup firebase remote config for release mode by setting developer mode to false. But with cache expiration time less then 3000(may be a bit less, determined it experimentally) seconds, it fails to fetch data. It throws…
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6 answers

Firebase Remote Config App Version condition

The Firebase Remote Config App version condition seems to be ignored. I've made the following setup to play around with my current development version: xCode Version setup: Firebase Remote Config Condition setup: FIRRemoteConfig won't return the…
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2 answers

How to define an experiment for first time users in Firebase?

I am trying to create an experiment using Firebase remote config. The criteria is as follows: It should target only new users who have not used the app ( opening the app for the first time) Now on further research I found that there is a user…
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