Questions tagged [firebase-remote-config]

Firebase Remote Config allows developers to optimize and customize their iOS, Android and Web apps on the fly.

About Firebase Remote Config

Firebase Remote Config is a component of the Firebase suite of tools for cross-platform application development.

  • Modify your app without a new production deployment
  • Customize content for different Firebase Analytics audiences and measure results
  • Roll out features gradually and monitor the impact

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466 questions
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How to download google-services.json file from firebase for Ionic?

I am developing an Ionic application with firebase. I have to fetch the remote config value from firebase. I don't have any idea how to download the google-services.json file. I cant find any tutorial for Ionic for fetching remote config value. If…
1 answer

Use Google Analytics and Firebase Remote Config together in iOS

I am using Google analytics in my iOS app. Now we are planning to use Firebase Remote config in the app. But I am not being able to use both in same app as both requires GoogleService-Info.plist and I do not find any way to rename one of it and use…
2 answers

Using Firebase RemoteConfiguration I am unable to override default configuration in .plist file

I am running RemoteConfig fetch on a project as following to try fetch a test configuration parameter that I set to true on the server. I have also a default configuration plist file on the app bundle. After the fetch succeeds I call activateFetched…
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Utilizing colors from firebase remote config in Android

I'm a little confused with this, and the examples I've dug up only seem to indicate simple things.. like changing the color of the tool bar. So for instance, I'm trying to change the text color of a clustered map marker created by the android map…
Brandon K
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Unity - populate inspector with different values

I have the following collection in C# which is sent to Google servers (Firebase Remote Config). I want to add values in the Unity inspector itself and not in code. As you can see, the values can be any type (bool, string, int,…
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Xamarin.Forms : on Android Firebase Remote Config not working

My Android Firebase Remote Config not working ( on IOS it working well) on MainActivity.OnCreate var mRemoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.Instance; FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings configSettings = new FirebaseRemoteConfigSettings.Builder() …
1 answer

Firebase Remote Config does not get the console values in OnComplete

Up to now, my code worked perfectly. I was able to get the values set up in the Firebase console immediately after I changed them in this console (I paid attention to activate the Firebase developer mode to avoid cache + I do not forget to click on…
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Retrieve the FCM server key from the Firebase remote configuration

For a little project I want to send push notifications directly from the app (without a backend). As I read from the FCM documentation while this is technically possible with a simple HTTP POST request it's discouraged because in this way I have to…
1 answer

get from Remote config

I'm trying to retrieve some data from my remote config variables but I keep getting the value from my plist file. This is my code: let apolloConfigKey = "dev_username" var remoteConfig: FIRRemoteConfig! func createDefaults(){ remoteConfig =…
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Firebase: How to display unicode string variables?

Hello – I've recently started adding Firebase Remote Config support to my android app. However, I've come to realise that any unicode strings that I set in either the default config or the remote config, get rendered as is. For example, say there's…
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How to know Which Firebase Remote Config parameter was published

Lets say I have 50 Remote Config parameters in the Firebase console and I change one. Then I press the publish changes button right. On Android client side when doing firebaseRemoteConfig.activateFetched();is there a way to see what exactly was…
Tord Larsen
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Fetched values from Firebase Android

I try to fetch specific values from remote config in Firebase, but it always gives me the value that I defined in client side the first time. Here is my code: public static final int DEFAULT_MSG_LENGTH_LIMIT = 1000; private static final String…
1 answer

Does Firebase RemoteConfig keep fetching?

I have the following code that loads in the initial ViewController viewDidLoad. It works fine initially. But shouldn't it look for changes every 10 seconds? When I make an update to a config value in Firebase and publish, I don't see this come…
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Firebase audience based on user properties

I need to test some features of my app with just a previously selected group of users. I created an Audience where user_id exactly matches 123456. 123456 being my own ID. In Remote Config I created a Condition that matches users in the Audience…
1 answer

Firebase Remote Config

Firebase is currently causing crashes at startup for my apps. Specs: Unity 5.3.5f I even tried using google's own test app here: Then imported firebase, configured everything on Firebase console, and…
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