Questions tagged [federation]

237 questions
4 answers

How to create federation metadata XML for "Relying Party Trust" and "Claims Provider Trusts" for ADFS 2.0

One of our web app would like to connect with ADFS 2.0 server to get credential token and check the user roles based on that. The ADFS server admin asked us to give them a federation metadata XML file to let them create Relying Party Trusts. I…
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RabbitMQ RPC across multiple rabbitMQ instances

I have three clients each with their own RabbitMQ instances and I have an application (let's call it appA) that has its own RabbitMQ instance, the three client applications (app1, app2, app3) wants to make use of a service on appA. The service on…
Jan Vladimir Mostert
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1 answer

What is a federated protocol?

I've heard this term recently to describe Google's new hangouts protocol, and Whisper System's new encrypted texting app. The new TextSecure push transport is a federated protocol What does that mean?
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Can the Apple Id be used by non Apple applications?

Both Google and Facebook can act as Identity Providers in a security federation setup like Ping Identity or Microsoft ACS. Does anyone know if it is possible to add Apple Id as an identity provider?
Frode Stenstrøm
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OAuth 2 separate authentication from authorization for server-server API calls

Context I'm attempting to design an access control solution for our company product(s) that has the following three properties: customers can bring their own identity (from their IdP solution), aka we can federate with them for identity. This gives…
1 answer

Is it possible to have partially federated gateway?

I'd like to federate services, but let the federation gateway also hold own schema and logic that would proxy REST API endpoints for simplicity. Now it looks like I need to have federation gateway service, federated graphql service(s) and the…
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What's the difference between WS-Trust, OpenID, and SAML Passive?

Seems that Microsoft ADFSv2 supports WS-Trust, and SAML Passive, but the WIF stack it's built upon doesn't support SAML. What is the difference between WS-Trust and SAML-P? Do they share the same security vulnerabilities, if so what are they? Note:…
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Efficient way to generate sequential numbers on SQL Azure Federations

Considering that SQL Azure Federations does not support the IDENTITY property or SEQUENCEs, what would be an efficient way to generate sequential numbers when inserting records? For instance, given a table with these columns: CREATE TABLE…
Fernando Correia
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1 answer

Multiple IdentityServer Federation : Error Unable to unprotect the message.State

I'm trying to create a master slave type configuration for authentication with IdentityServer4 as below MyMasterIdentityServer0 (Master) - receives id_token and gives access_token |---> MySlaveIdentityServer1 (Basic Auth) |--->…
1 answer

REST authentication / authorization using JWT federated identities

I am looking at developing an application that exposes services using REST. These services will be accessed via browser and non-browser clients. I expect that there will be a number of installations of this software that are owned and managed by…
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Hasura GraphQL Endpoint behind Apollo Federated Gateway

Has anyone successfully placed a Hasura GraphQL endpoint, behind an Apollo Federated Gateway? I know Hasura wants to act as the point of federation but I would rather not do that...current thought is to create an apollo server with a remote schema…
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How does Azure Active Directory support federation with Okta as an IDP?

Is it possible to integrate Okta as an IDP (Identity Provider) for an application in Azure, where Azure would be the Service Provider? Presently the authentication is managed by Azure AD, we have AD users that have been granted access to these…
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SAML 2.0 without a browser

Let's say I have a system that's currently like this: Monolithic Web App: Contains its own accounts and relies upon clients to log-in with (essentially) HTTP BasicAuth. That is, the username & password are getting passed to the server. Thick…
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1 answer

User is not forced to reauthenticate in ADFS 2.0 after Sharepoint 2010 session expires

This case is very much similar to question by Wiktor Zychla, see How to set the timeout properly when federating with the ADFS 2.0 We are experiencing the same behavior, ADFS happily redirects the user back to Sharepoint site and FedAuth cookie is…
0 answers

Google single-sign-on solution

Google has a funky solution for delivering SSO across all its sites. It seems to manage multiple accounts really well, allows for account linkage, allows the user to select from multiple accounts when trying to access a service etc. etc. Is there…
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