Questions tagged [acs]

ACS is short for Windows Azure Access Control Service

The Windows Azure Access Control Service provides federated authentication using Google, Yahoo, Live Id, Facebook and other WS-Federation partners such as ADFS.

ACS has been deprecated in favor of Azure AD. The functionality of ACS is being merged into AAD.

MSDN documentation

411 questions
1 answer

How to pass required claims to OpenID identity provider with Azure ACS?

When looking at the request urls that Azure ACS generates I can see that ACS includes email, fullname, firstname and lastname as required claims. Further, the fullname attribute is mapped to the claim type. Now I have…
Peter Lillevold
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1 answer

ACS installed but MVC 4.0 app still redirects and fails to find login.aspx

First post here on stackoverflow but I love the site!... I've successfully created a fully functioning Azure hybrid model application using MVC 4. Published and works great. Now I want to add ACS for auth to my site. I've followed all the steps…
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1 answer

Deploy Azure Webapp with custom container environment variables

In general, I would start the docker instance on my local machine like docker run -t -i -e 'a=b' ... Now, I would like to deploy and run my custom docker image which I uploaded to the Docker Container Registry before and start it like the command…
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9 answers

Why am I getting the "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" error?

I've created a new ASP.NET MVC 3 / .NET Framework 4.0 site using the "Internet Application" template. I used Nuget to install the Windows Azure Web Role (MVC3) package and then followed the Access Control Service walkthrough to set up Windows Live…
Alex Angas
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2 answers

Azure Service Bus Operations Raising TimeoutException instead of UnauthorizedAccessException using ACS

I am using Access Control Service to authorize access to specific Service Bus Subscriptions for specific Service Identities. When receiving sessions or messages from the subscription, the Service Identity is authorized and can receive and complete…
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1 answer

Where is ClaimTypes.IdentityProvider?

Using .Net 4.5 RC and Azure Access Control Service, the primary claims I am interested in are the IdentityProvider and the NameIdentifier. System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes contains constants for well-known claims, and it has…
Matt Johnson-Pint
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3 answers

Using ACS in Azure Staging slot

I am currently implementing a web application in Microsoft Azure. My concern is how to use the staging slot together with ACS. I want to push my application to the staging slot, verify that it is working and then do a VIP-swap to production. The…
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3 answers

Can the Apple Id be used by non Apple applications?

Both Google and Facebook can act as Identity Providers in a security federation setup like Ping Identity or Microsoft ACS. Does anyone know if it is possible to add Apple Id as an identity provider?
Frode Stenstrøm
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1 answer

WCF Username Authentication - exception in tutorial

I was doing tutorial from this page: I think I did everything ok but I'm getting this exception: `An error occurred when processing the security tokens in the message.` What I did wrong? I…
Paweł Reszka
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1 answer

Claims Based Authentication - SharePoint and generally

All, I've been doing a lot of reading around Claims Based Authentication and am still a bit confused. I'm trying to solidify my understanding, specifically relating to SharePoint 2010/2013, but also generally (i.e. ASP.NET). My understanding of…
3 answers

Protection API Exceptions when scaling Azure Web Roles using ACS

I have been using Azure ACS against Windows Live and Google and its been running without any problems. Last night we scaled instances from 1 running instance to 3 and since then people have reported issues when accessing our site. We've traced this…
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3 answers

Is it possible to get ACS claims without editing web.config?

Is it possible to set up the realm URL, claim types, etc for azure ACS without editing the web.config? Can you set up these required elements programmatically somehow? EDIT: Specifically I want to get rid of this:
Seth Micalizzi
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2 answers

Can NameIdentifier and IdentityProvider (WIF) claims be used to uniquely identify any user?

Thinking of using Access Control Service (ACS) and Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) to secure my WCF Data Services Web API application. How can I use claims to uniquely identify a user? My idea is to use the combination of the standard claim…
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1 answer

Migrating from Google OpenID 2.0 to OpenID Connect with different redirect_uri and openid.realm parameters

I am migrating from Google OpenID 2.0 to OpenID Connect. I am currently using Microsofts ACS which uses Googles depreciated OpenID 2.0 for authentication. This means my realm was automatically set to…
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1 answer

Does Azure ACS support saml 2.0 IdPs like Salesforce?

I have no Access Control Service (ACS) installed, but I've seen on some online video demo that Salesforce is not in the list of available pre-installed identity providers. Salesforce can be configured as IdP (standard SAML 2.0 is used). Can I setup…
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