Questions tagged [federation]

237 questions
2 answers

Converting single client SQL Server database into single database multi tenant

We currently have a system where each of our users gets a database. We are now moving to a one database multi-tenant schema so one database can house many customers. A few questions: Is the a multi-tenant conversion tool in existence? Or is it just…
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Huge number of objects, sharding and java EE

I'm new to java ee and I'm not sure how to implement a particular requirement. I have need for a large set (millions) of objects that maintain a bunch of rules and state and present an API for clients. Each of these objects is long lived. Given…
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4 answers

ASP.Net WCF service's Thread.CurrentPrincipal is being thrown away by some interceptor in a Federated (WIF) environment

I have a per-call WCF service that's being hosted in IIS (.svc). In the service's constructor, I set Thread.CurrentPrincipal = HttpContext.Current.User as per this article. In this case HttpContext.Current.User is of type…
Terence Lewis
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How to use IssuedToken in a client with a WCF Service Reference

I have a WinForms app with a Service Reference generated from a WCF service that uses WS2007FederationHttpBinding. I can't understand why the following is not working. My WinForms app is calling a WCF service that is using…
0 answers

Using Keycloak with groups storage federation (like user storage federation)

Currently we use Keycloak in our software with a custom federation plugin. This plugin fetches all users from our database and shows it within the keycloak admin itself. This works perfectly and is document well by Keycloak here:…
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Where is the keystone virtual configuration file in Devstack?

Where is the file wsgi-keystone.conf located in the Devstack env? I am trying to configure federation. I only can see this file: keystone-wsgi-public.conf Which contains: ProxyPass "/identity"…
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1 answer

Does GitLab accept Federation?

I would like to make a federation sync between a GitBlit and a GitLab instance. Make federations with GitBlit is possible i know, but i don't find anything about federation in GitLab. I tried to find : federations properties in gitlab.rb…
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1 answer

How to proceed with AD FS SAML for AWS Cognito?

I am setting up AD FS to generate metadata for SAML to connect to AWS Cognito User pools. I already generated the xml metadata and uploaded it to the User pool. Should I create Trust relays on AD FS site? Is there any other steps to make my AD users…
0 answers

Reading claim attributes from SAMl in Adfs

i am trying integration between CA federation manager and ADFS. Where ADFS is acting as service provider and Federation manager as IDP. I am able to read nameid which is passed from Federation manager to ADFS as claim attribute. But i am not able to…
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1 answer

Trying to create an iam role in aws and getting an error on the assumeRolePolicyDocument

I am trying to create an IAM role in AWS for federated access and keep running into the same issue in python using boto or powershell using the cli. Here is what I am trying to do with python. import boto3 tpdoc =…
1 answer

How to Validate a SAML Token

The scenario I'm trying to support is this: A client website is redirecting to my website using a single sign on from their site. The client side has a STS that generates a SAML token for the authenticated user that gets passed to my website. My…
1 answer

Can apache Shiro be used to build an Identity Provider?

I am looking with Apache shrio framework. Looking at it authentication and authorization features can i build Identity server provider using shrio framework. Is it possible to have features like, Single Sign On SAML support Federation based on…
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Web service (SOAP) authentication for federation user's as part of SAML 2.0 protocol

I have two cross domain apps as service providers. These applications are with IdP (OpenAM) in federation trust. FSSO acomplishes over passive federation, SAML 2.0 protocol, Web Browser SSO Profile. This works fine. What I have now as an issue is…
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2 answers

HLA - usage of timeAdvanceRequest()

I have HLA simulation in Java using pRTI with two federates. I want to advance time of my simulation. As far I know, following method is used for this purpose: _ambassador.timeAdvanceRequest(time); , where ambassador is an RTI ambassador. My…
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2 answers

VS2013 & MVC 4 -How to setup thinktecture Embedded STS

I am running a project that used the local STS in VS2012 after upgrading to 2013. Now I find out that VS2013 doesn't have a builtin STS server anymore. Looking for alternatives I found…
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