In our project we are working with multiple teams on one product (desktop application). We have successfully implemented TDD and CI and want to do the next step with releasing more often, ideally into Continous deploy, without drifting into the branching hell.

Roundabout half of the features developed need several months to be finished, which makes us considering feature toggles as the next step, but we have no experience with it. Feature devlopment usually contains refactoring, changing/adding/removing source files and changes in the database table structure.

I've read the Martin Fowler article and done some research for other availbale internet sources about the topic, including stackoverflow - some basic understanding is given.

I would like to have some hints, about the right way to go on, alternatively good literature for additinonal research.

Question 1: Are refactorings usually done with feature toggles? We tend to say no, because no functionality is changed.

Question 2: What can we do, if a feature needs toggles at many different places/modules and it is not possible to toggle it at one single place?

Question 3: Is copying of modules/classes for toggles a working approach in practice? In therory it shoould work, but we have no experience with changing developers and unfinished toggles

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    Stack Overflow is not really the right site for this question. From the [tour]: "Avoid questions that are primarily opinion-based, or that are likely to generate discussion rather than answers." Your question (if you can limit yourself to just one) may be on topic on [softwareengineering.se], but you should really read their help center before asking. – Heretic Monkey Feb 10 '20 at 21:21

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