Questions tagged [feature-branch]

134 questions
2 answers

How do I force push a feature-branch to Gerrit?

I have been working on a (remote) feature branch and after changing the branch history, I want to push it to Gerrit (with force push). I tried the following command: git push origin HEAD:refs/for/branch_name --force However, instead of changing…
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How can I prevent people from using reintegrated branches in SVN?

We've started using the feature branch pattern here at work. Everything appears to be working well, here's the steps we use: Developer branches trunk Developer(s) complete implementation and testing using the branch Developer merges trunk into…
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4 answers

How do I extract and remove a merged branch in Git?

I have a 7 branches that affect the same files, all have been merged into the master branch through a secondary branch. One of the branches was not meant to be merged because it was not stable - can I undo the changes made by that single…
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Subversion reintegrate branch conflicts

I'm using svn for version control and have the following question: Let's say I develop something in my feature branch and constantly upstream changes from the trunk (by simply merging them and resolving conflicts). Now, at some moment I made my…
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"Move" files to their own branch in Git

In master I have some files that should better live in a feature branch. I'd like to create such a branch and have the files there, at the same time removing them from master. I'm not concerned about history, i.e., the files need not to be removed…
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How can QA test multiple features at once with feature branching in Gitflow workflow?

If developers were to work on different branches for different features I understand that they can give a QA build from the feature branch and once it is tested it can be merged with "develop". But if the QA team is fairly large and can test…
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Should I ever have long-term feature branches in Git Flow?

I am using Git Flow with a team. We all branch off of develop for features and merge back in after code review. It works well for us, however we now have one feature that will take a developer over a month to complete. We will have a few releases…
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1 answer

Changes on feature branch after merge to master

I'm looking for a way to introduce changes into feature branches once they have been merged to master. The goal is to keep the feature branch keep only containing commits that are related to it. It often happens that a feature needs some additional…
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Feature branch statistics for a git workflow

My current development environment uses git for VCS, and we use a feature branching workflow. I would like to get to a point where statistics can be generated about each feature. Mainly, I would like to be able to determine how long a feature took…
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1 answer

Publishing a feature branch to preview periodically in git

I'm trying to understand the best way to occasionally publish a feature branch into a preview branch for git. Here is my setup: Client asks for feature. I develop initial feature and publish to preview/testing site. Client provides feedback. I make…
Eric Anderson
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0 answers

Feature toggle best practices for starting

In our project we are working with multiple teams on one product (desktop application). We have successfully implemented TDD and CI and want to do the next step with releasing more often, ideally into Continous deploy, without drifting into the…
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Feature branching and loss of code metadata

We use feature branching extensively as a strategy for development. In short and somewhat simplistic terms, what that allows us to do is to keep a stable trunk at all times while developers implementing complex features work on a potentially broken…
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2 answers

Gitflow and Accidently Merging other features

We've recently started to introduce gitflow, following mainly some youtube videos and some online articles - along with the GUI functionality within SourceTree. However we think we're doing something wrong as we're hitting situations which we were…
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1 answer

Feature branching with feature toggling when trying to do continuous delivery

I'm trying to understand why some teams use feature toggling if they are already using feature branching and trying to achieve continuous delivery. Let's say a team wants to achieve continuous delivery and can do that with help from either feature…
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1 answer

Is it safe to delete or remerge a Gitlow feature branch after it was previously merged into the develop branch?

Let's take the Gitflow branching style. For every feature we have a "feature branch". We develop the feature and once it's done we can merge it into the "develop" branch. Once the merge is done, can we simply delete the branch and nothing will…
Vlad Mihalcea
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