Questions tagged [feature-branch]

134 questions
1 answer

How can I do git merges in such a way that they are easy to roll back?

There is lots of talk about how it's not easy to "undo" a merge in git. Short version: if you undo a merge commit, it also tells git to never merge those changes back in in the future. Is there something I can do when doing the merge in order to…
John Bachir
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2 answers

TeamCity triggers too many builds for a new branch

When I create a new branch B from branch A and do a single commit, TeamCity triggers multiple builds on B, although I would expect just a single build. I set "Trigger a build on each check-in" to true, but nevertheless there should only be a single…
3 answers

Feature backporting in Git / Subversion

What would be the preferred way to achieve the following workflow with either Git or Subversion (I have more interest in the Git version, but comparison will definitely be useful): Let's say we had a major release of the product recently and there…
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Not able to start feature branch by selecting commit id option in SourceTree

I'm working on implementing Git Flow branching strategy in my company and for that I'm testing all possible options which is provided in SourceTree GitFlow. Two problems I've faced till now: I'm trying to start a new feature branch by selecting a…
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How Do I Properly Configure Feature Branch CI with TeamCity

I am currently trying to set up TeamCity to build all the branches which are not my team's main branches. I have had trouble getting this to work, and have only gotten this to function with the default branch. Our repository has the following…
Blaze Phoenix
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What happens when I 'git pull --rebase origin development' from within a feature branch?

Let's say I have a feature branch called FeatureA, and it is out of sync with (remote) development on which it is based. Normally I would rebase my branch by calling git rebase development (after syncing my local development with origin/development…
M Jacobs
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How do I get TeamCity to automatically merge a Git feature branch with master and fail the build in case of merge conflicts?

Our development/release cycle works like this: Developer creates a feature branch, implements a feature Developer indicates feature is ready for acceptance testing (UAT) Tester deploys feature branch and accepts (or rejects) feature Accepted…
2 answers

How to share a git feature (or topic) branch with multiple developers

I'm following the the workflow described here, as I found many references pointing to this page as a good workflow. As mentioned in the article, "feature" branches are shared between developers, but do not go to the central repository. Let's say a…
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Git branch is still on same line as master

I am getting something unexpected happening in the git tree. I have created a branch off of master, however while I am performing commits on the new branch it appears as though these are taking place in the same code line as master... As you can…
Matthew Pigram
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Managing dependent in-progress git feature branches / branch sets

In recent times I seem to have this repeating scenario of having multiple feature branches under development, with one feature branch (feature-b in the below picture) depending on support of another incompleted feature (developed in…
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Git rebase feature branch messes up commits in pull request to develop/master branch

I have the following scenario: Master-branch: what is in production, can contain hotfixes Develop-branch: the branch my developers are using to create pull requests to feature-branches: the branch we create for the feature the developer is…
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5 answers

Subversion: Merging subtrees vs. merge-tracking

Brought forward from Subversion feature branch requires changes from another feature branch I have two feature branches: "FeatureA" and "FeatureB". FeatureA is complete, but not merged to trunk because it's not been confirmed whether it should go…
Neil Barnwell
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GitLab CI, monorepo and feature branch

I have a monorepo in GitLab with a Feature Branch approach. What I'm trying to achieve is to launch the part of the pipeline associated to the directory containing the altered files. So my .gitlab-ci.yml looks like : job1: stage: build script: …
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2 answers

Undo rebasing feature branch onto another feature branch

I'm working on a develop branch and two different (local) feature branches. a -- b -- e <-- develop \ \ \ f -- g <-- feature-branch-1 \ c -- d <-- feature-branch-2 I…
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How can I delete all Git remote branches which are older than a year?

I have a LOT of GIT branches on my "remote" server. How can I delete ALL branches (Not just merged) that are older than 1 year? How can I also delete all merged branches (multiple origins "master/develop") older than 5 months? This answer is…
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