Questions tagged [facebook-ads]

66 questions
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How to get Ad id from Ad creative Facebook marketing API

I am using Facebook python business sdk for fetching Ad related data and the structure we have in database is identical to how facebook structured Ad related API. Following is the structure which was providing correct Ad creative objects AdAccount…
1 answer

gclid and fbclid at same time

During checking traffic source on e-commerce website i get confused. I know that param gclid=.. means that user is tagged by GoogleAds, while fbclid works the same way but with facebook. However, I dont understand what does it mean while they are…
0 answers

Facebook Pixel - can't find PageView

In Event Manager I can see Page View perfectly with its data. Although it appears on "Custom Events" and not "Standard Events" like Add to Cart for example. When creating a campaign, under conversion event I can see all my standard events (like add…
0 answers

Android.Malware.General (score:6) engine detected

I'm trying to implement Facebook ads on my app, but Facebook doesn't approve my app because they say it has malware. This malware appears only when I publish my app on Play Store, before publishing, I scan it on VirusTotal, it shows that it is…
0 answers

Facebook Ads data (Talend)

I'm looking for a way to export Facebook ads data using a component in Talend or using a scripting language to extract an excel/..., in a way that I can automate it. I would then Using Talend(ETL Job) that puts that data into a database. I checked…
Mohamed Azizi
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Permissions to post Facebook ad for someone else's page through the API

I want to post ads using the API where the ad creative is for someone else's page. I know I can ask the page's owner to make me a manager of their page, but as I already have their access token, it would be easier if I could get access through the…
0 answers

Magento 2 Facebook Dynamic Ads Rest API

I'm building a my own CMS that connects to Magento and controls it through REST API. I managed to successfully add: "ADD-EDIT-DELETE" functions of products to my CMS but there's a feature that's missing I need to add which is: Enable Facebook…
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Creating Mediation Group in Admob for a single application which has both banner and rewared video ad

I am a little bit confused about the mediation of Google Admob. Let me describe my confusion. Say I have an Application which has two types of ads in Admob, one is Banner ad and another one is Video Rewarded ad. The number of those ads are 1 (1…
Avow Studio
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How to check the mapping details in the AdMob frontend?

After the implementation of Facebook Ad unity on my Admob, by following the instruction of Google Admob official instruction page, I am getting this error message: "Check that your ad units exist in the third-party ad source and are allowed to serve…
Avow Studio
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Programmatically access facebook ads account managed by third party

My company facebook ads is management by a vendor partner who is using one manager account to manager different companies accounts. I am in the process to create a data lake for my company and would like to access the data in the ads using…
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is there any API for facebook creative hub we can use in our apps?

i would like to use creative hub in my flutter app, and i would like to know if there is an API i can use to display ads templates. when we see the creative hub templates, we see can choose and personnalize them dynamically and add them to your…
Ramses Kouam
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Facebook strips my UTM tags while redirecting through //referral

I've encountered a very strange issue I cannot explain. I have a facebook redirect campaign that should redirect people to my website through URL with UTM tags. Actually, I see that about 40% of my leads are coming without UTM tags. Afert…
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How to track if mobile app (ios and android) was installed because of Facebook Ads?

Our marketing team wants to track the number of install events that were due to Facebook Ads. I have added Facebook Sdk to our app (ios and android separately). But on our Ads Manager page, where cannot really track which ads lead to how many…
0 answers

How to set facebook interstitial Ad on backPressed?

i have an android app, which has Facebook ad implemented and works properly. Everything is working perfect but, I want to show this interstitial ad on Backpressed activity (ad should be show when i come to 1st activity from 2nd). i implemented the…
0 answers

How to add FbNative adds in swift using pod 'FBAudienceNetwork'?

I am new to swift, and trying to add FaceBookNative adds to swift project, but there is no guide I found for swift I have added pod 'FBAudienceNetwork' to my project but some confusions still I have do I need framework SDK if Pod is added do I need…
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