Questions tagged [facebook-ads]

66 questions
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Facebook Ads install

Heyy, I was wondering if someone has faced a similar issue I'm facing, We have recently upgraded our react native app to the latest version 9. Since then, when running FB Ads (app install), I can't seem to see the mobile app install numbers for IOS…
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Who knows the GTM script for Facebook standard conversions: Appointments Scheduled and Phone Number Clicks?

There are 2 standard events that are called Phone Number Clicks and Appointments Scheduled in Facebook (when you click Customize Columns). Could you please tell me what is the developer script to input in the Google Tag Manager to make these…
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How to specify branch link in ios14 app install Facebook campaign

On the Branch docs it says to use a Branch deep link when creating a Facebook ad. However, if the campaign is set to "App install" and iOS14, the option to set a deep link disappears. How do I associate the campaign with Branch then? I'm purely…
Mathias Bak
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Facebook Interestial ads not showing

I tries to show Facebook Interestial ads and banner ads in java with android studio. Banner ads are shown but not Interestial. Below is the onCreate method inside "" file- protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { …
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Cannot add Instagram ad account to Business Manager

My Instagram professional account is connected to the business manager. There is an ad account on business manager that is connected to the Instagram page. I can advertise on Facebook / Instagram with that ad account if I create the ads from the Ads…
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How to have Download from App Store -link to Facebook post?

We have some problems with adding download link to facebook/instagram posts. We have looked through guide books, but still get this error message: "missing or invalid field in promoted objects for optimization goal app_installs" Is it mandatory to…
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Possibly violating Audience Network policy 4.1 is flagged and cannot be approved

I received these emails on Facebook and the bundle was blocked so I couldn't send ads. How do I fix this? 4.1 Risk of Violation: This bundle is flagged as potentially violating Audience Network Policy 4.1, which states that: 'Facebook is at its sole…
1 answer

Getting Facebook Conversions API error - " Diagnostic Issues Found "

I had recently implemented Facebook Conversions API in Facebook Ads Manager for an wordpress woocommerce website. All the test events are showing up in activity. However i am gettin this error - " Diagnostic Issues Found " in Facebook PageView Event…
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How to enter dynamic conversion values for Facebook Ads from a Wix Website

I am trying to dynamically retrieve the total order value from a purchase on my Wix Store. I have been able to find the section of the order confirmation page source code that includes the currency and the numeric value but I don't know how to tell…
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Does running a redirect test in Google Optimize affect Facebook Ads attribution?

I'm running a redirect test through Google Optimize on a client's site and they recently set up a Facebook Ad campaign that links directly to the page being tested. It appears in Facebook Ads manager that Facebook is losing attribution. There is…
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Facebook Banner Ads Not Showing in Expo

I am trying to show my facebook banner test ad on my expo project via expo go but the banner ad is not working fine. My interstitial ad is working but the banner ad is not working here is the code of my expo project import React from…
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Facebook ads campaign not displaying app installs data

I am regularly posting Facebook ads for my android app in playstore. My Facebook ads campaigns are not showing any data for columns like Results, Mobile App install, Cost per app install. I want to track the app installs from the ad clicks. It just…
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Facebook Ads not showing while testing

Whenever I test app with test ads of facebook it shows test ads but when i replace with the real ads they dont show. Can you help me to know because of why this would be happening.
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How to examine what a facebook 'topic' encapsulates?

When selecting topics for facebook ads, many are duplicates. If my experience with databases has taught me anything, it's that humans enter data in all sorts of ways. So I guess facebook's algorithms have found 'topics' based on how humans have…
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Facebook ad preview deferred deep link not working

I have Integrated new Facebook SDK version 9.0 and implemented to track the deferred deep link. It’s working when I’m using the Facebook ads helper via test deep links. But it’s not working when I’m try to send a notification via Facebook ads…