Questions tagged [facebook-pixel]

Facebook Pixel is the name given to the Facebook tracking pixel. While there were previously multiple versions of this pixel, Facebook has now combined the two into a single object called the Facebook Pixel.

Facebook pixel allows you to use single pixel to report and optimize for conversions, build audiences and get rich insights about how people use your website. You can pass structured data as parameters for enhanced audience building, optimization, and measurement.

Official documentation.

Official page.

299 questions
8 answers

How to fix Duplicate Facebook pixel ID error?

Added facebook pixel like they showed here here Now getting an error: fbevents.js:9 Facebook Pixel Error: Duplicate Pixel ID: some-pixel-id Cannot understand what causes this error. Even when I run the code from their example with removed pixel…
Eugene Monakov
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5 answers in JSON LD format recognized by Google, but Facebook pixel helper does not detect it

I have added tags in JSON LD format using