Questions tagged [exponential]

Exponential can refer to a mathematics function, a curve / graph / dataset that follows the growth of that function, the exponential distribution in statistics, or a format to represent floats.

Exponential can refer to a mathematics function, a curve / graph / dataset that follows the growth of that function, the exponential distribution in statistics, or a format to represent floats.

Definitions from wikipedia:

765 questions
1 answer

String to exponential notation

I use Ruby. I have str="0.2592585e7" I need to convert this to exp notation and get the same result like x=0.2592585e7 When I do this via format I get: irb(main):064:0> format("%0.6e", str.to_f) => "2.592585e+06" Any idea how to not get decimal…
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java negative double to the power of a pos/neg double

i am trying to use an exponential to work out the distance the z coordinate would be on screen from the basic z coordinate the object is, as the further away the object is the slower the object moves away and vice versa when the object is coming…
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Changing the pitch of a imported signal logarithmically / exponentially over time

How can I change the pitch of an imported signal logarithmically / exponentially over time? Please note that the imported signals that will be used are not single frequencies so a simple sweep or a chirp command will not work since I will be…
Rick T
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Exponential values manipulation in perl

I have a select statement which return capacity as exponential value e.g. Capacity=5.4835615662E+003 in Perl code I am using a db2 database, and if I explicitly run a query in database it returns 5483.5615662 but when I use next select query…
1 answer

exponential arrival and service rates

I have 2 agent types (say patients). each patient type will need a service after an exponential amount of time. We also have 2 different services A and B which have different service rates (exponential) for different patient types. So in total we…
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Find an Inverse for the Exponential Integral function

I have a program where I have to find x. But I have to use the special function Ei - the exponential integral, and x is inside the argument of Ei. So Python isn't recognizing it. ei(mx) = te^r + ei(c) Here the RHS is a constant alongwith m. I…
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Arithmetic Mean with exponent of small numbers

Due to rounding error, cannot get mean of three numbers: a=-1.11e4 b=-1.12e4 c=-1.13e4 Mean=1/3 *[exp(a)+exp(b)+exp(c)] How to get the results in a log value?
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Lambda in front of exponential function

In the following case I'm very confused as to why there is a lam in front of the expression in line 3. Could someone please clarify what this lambda does? lam = 0.5 x = np.arange(0, 15, 0.1) y = lam * np.exp(-lam * x)
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Exponential growth doubling processor speed

According to Wikipedia article on Exponential growth E.g. if a slow processor can solve problems of size x in time t, then a processor twice as fast could only solve problems of size x+constant in the same time t. My question is, how do we…
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String.format("%.5e",someDouble) results in a number with 13 decimal places & no "e+xx"

As the question suggests, I'm using String.format("%.5e",someDouble) because I want the following format #.#####E+#. I'm making a calculator for a tutorial. Let's say I'm typing in 333,333,333,333 * 333,333,333,333. The answer in the correct format…
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Check number has exponent or not in java

I would like to check whether the double value has exponent or not. There is no such method in Math using which I can determine. I do not want to convert it to string and then use indexOf() or contains() methods. Thanks in advance.
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How to format my String, that it looks clean?

I have this output and like you can see, because of the numbers on the left increasing, the whole string on the other side moves with it. What to I have to do? I don't know the format class well and when I looked it up, it made no sence to me! Can…
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Recursive function outputs a wrong value

In this code the output is 'r' instead of 'r0' Instead of doing the operations it outputs me the first 'r' (equals 100) and does not do the process. I´m trying to program an operation like (x_0 = x + (nt²/(2(x+(n(t-1)²/2(x+(n(t-3)²/2(x +…
3 answers

Variable inside exponential integral function. Python can't calculate

My math question is here - This relates Population dynamics with t = time, N_t = population at time t, r = rate of growth and K = cqrrying capacity. My code…
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How do I solve this exponential equation on Excel Solver?

100e^0.25*y = 97.5 Solving for y Using Excel Solver I tried using empty column entry for y in 'By changing cells' and Set objective function as LHS of above equation (empty column entry in equation included) equal to value of 97.5 in solver. It…
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