Questions tagged [division]

In mathematics, division (÷) is an arithmetic elementary operation.

In mathematics, especially in elementary arithmetic, division (÷) is an arithmetic operation. Specifically, if b times c equals a (b × c = a) where b is not zero, then a divided by b equals c (a ÷ b = c).

In the expression a ÷ b = c, a is called the dividend, b the divisor and c the quotient.

In programming, division is usually represented by the / symbol. There are two import forms of division in most programming languages:

  • In floating point division which operates on floating point or other rational numeric datatypes, the fractional part of the result is included (to the accuracy provided by the datatype):

    float a = 5.0;
    float b = 2.0;
    float c = a / b;   // c = 2.5
  • In integer division which operates on integral numeric datatypes, the fractional part of the result is discarded, as in following example:

    int a = 5;
    int b = 2;
    int c = a / b;     //  c = 2
2011 questions
11 answers

How can I force division to be floating point? Division keeps rounding down to 0?

I have two integer values a and b, but I need their ratio in floating point. I know that a < b and I want to calculate a / b, so if I use integer division I'll always get 0 with a remainder of a. How can I force c to be a floating point number in…
Nathan Fellman
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48 answers

Divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, % operators

How would you divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, %, operators? The number may be signed or unsigned.
Green goblin
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5 answers

What is the reason for having '//' in Python?

I saw this in someone's code: y = img_index // num_images where img_index is a running index and num_images is 3. When I mess around with // in IPython, it seems to act just like a division sign (i.e. one forward slash). I was just wondering if…
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23 answers

Which is better option to use for dividing an integer number by 2?

Which of the following techniques is the best option for dividing an integer by 2 and why? Technique 1: x = x >> 1; Technique 2: x = x / 2; Here x is an integer.
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19 answers

Is multiplication and division using shift operators in C actually faster?

Multiplication and division can be achieved using bit operators, for example i*2 = i<<1 i*3 = (i<<1) + i; i*10 = (i<<3) + (i<<1) and so on. Is it actually faster to use say (i<<3)+(i<<1) to multiply with 10 than using i*10 directly? Is there any…
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7 answers

Why is division in Ruby returning an integer instead of decimal value?

For example: 9 / 5 #=> 1 but I expected 1.8. How can I get the correct decimal (non-integer) result? Why is it returning 1 at all?
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5 answers

Python integer division yields float

Python 3.1 (r31:73574, Jun 26 2009, 20:21:35) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 2/2 1.0 Is this intended? I strongly remember earlier versions returning int/int=int? What…
Jonas Byström
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8 answers

How to get a float result by dividing two integer values using T-SQL?

Using T-SQL and Microsoft SQL Server I would like to specify the number of decimal digits when I do a division between 2 integer numbers like: select 1/3 That currently returns 0. I would like it to return 0,33. Something like: select round(1/3,…
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1 answer

Python3 integer division

In Python3 vs Python2.6, I've noticed that I can divide two integers and get a float. How do you get the Python2.6 behaviour back? Is there a different method to get int/int = int?
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6 answers

How can I do division with variables in a Linux shell?

When I run commands in my shell as below, it returns an expr: non-integer argument error. Can someone please explain this to me? $ x=20 $ y=5 $ expr x / y expr: non-integer argument
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8 answers

Why does integer division in C# return an integer and not a float?

Does anyone know why integer division in C# returns an integer and not a float? What is the idea behind it? (Is it only a legacy of C/C++?) In C#: float x = 13 / 4; //== operator is overridden here to use epsilon compare if (x == 3.0) print…
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2 answers

How to do integer division in javascript (Getting division answer in int not float)?

Is there any function in Javascript that lets you do integer division, I mean getting division answer in int, not in floating point number. var x = 455/10; // Now x is 45.5 // Expected x to be 45 But I want x to be 45. I am trying to eliminate last…
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19 answers

How Does Modulus Divison Work

I don't really understand how modulus division works. I was calculating 27 % 16 and wound up with 11 and I don't understand why. I can't seem to find an explanation in layman's terms online. Can someone elaborate on a very high level as to what's…
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9 answers

C++ Best way to get integer division and remainder

I am just wondering, if I want to divide a by b, and am interested both in the result c and the remainder (e.g. say I have number of seconds and want to split that into minutes and seconds), what is the best way to go about it? Would it be int c =…
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4 answers

Division ( / ) not giving my answer in postgresql

I have a table software and columns in it as dev_cost, sell_cost. If dev_cost is 16000 and sell_cost is 7500. How do I find the quantity of software to be sold in order to recover the dev_cost? I have queried as below: select dev_cost / sell_cost…
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