Questions tagged [euler-angles]

The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the 3D orientation of a rigid body.

The idea of Euler angles is to split the complete rotation of a cartesian coordinate system into three simpler rotations about the axes of this system. Euler angles also represent three composed rotations that move a reference frame to a given referred frame. This is equivalent to saying that any orientation can be achieved by composing three elemental rotations (rotations around a single axis), and also equivalent to saying that any rotation matrix can be decomposed as a product of three elemental rotation matrices.

405 questions
1 answer

Euler angles to rotation matrix manual transformation for iOS devices

This is a small background and introduction to the problem: I have some functionality in my motion- and location-based iOS app, which needs a rotation matrix as an input. Some graphical output is dependent on this matrix. With every movement of the…
1 answer

CSS cubic panoramic control with euler angles in javascript

I am currently working on building a viewer to display panoramic photos. I have the images placed on the inside of a CSS cube, and am working on how to control it utilizing the deviceorientation event in javascript. I have found and implemented an…
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2 answers

Convert yaw, pitch AND roll to x,y,z vector in world coordinates

I'm working on some simple 3d graphics in OpenGL (java LWGJL), and I'm trying to figure out how to convert yaw, pitch and roll to the x, y and z components of my movement Vector. I know how to do this with just pitch and yaw (as explained here), but…
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How to deal with the discontinuity of yaw angle at 180 degree

I'm working on a vehicle control and using a 9DOF sensor (accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope). For the yaw angle, I have a discontinuity problem at pi rad. (180 deg.). I'm controlling the vehicle with a PID controller and when the vehicle…
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3 answers

GLM conversion from euler angles to quaternion and back does not hold

I am trying to convert the orientation of an OpenVR controller that I have stored as a glm::vec3 of Euler angles into a glm::fquat and back, but I get wildly different results and the in-game behavior is just wrong (hard to explain, but the…
Vittorio Romeo
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1 answer

iOS ARKit - Calculate the degree of rotation of device in all three direction

I want to get the degree of Rotation of all three axis. I am trying to achieve with landscape mode. When rotate device from left to right (Y-rotation), I want the degree covered once user set a left end and rotatae to right. So we need the degree…
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Getting the rotation of device around the world origin's y axis in ARKit

I am trying to calculate the rotation of my device when I rotate it around the y-axis in ARKit. For clarification the y-axis in ARKit is the axis pointing upwards perpendicular to the ground. I used eulerangles to get the rotation of the camera…
A. Claesson
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0 answers

How to understand Euler angles from cv2.decomposeProjectionMatrix?

I have been searching the internet for hours on some documentation on how to understand the Euler angles returned by cv2.decomposeProjectionMatrix. My problem seems simple, I have this 2D image of an aircraft. I want to be able to derive from that…
Chris Unice
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2 answers

Euler Angles and Rotation Matrix from two 3D points

I am trying to find the Euler angles that allow the transformation from point A to point B in 3D space. Consider the normalized vectors A = [1, 0, 0] and B = [0.32 0.88 -0.34]. I understand that by computing the cross product A × B I get the…
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2 answers

Rotate a quaternion by Euler angles input

I am writing a code to control robotic arm in 3D space. The robotic arm handle the rotation by quaternion but I want user to control it by changing yaw, pitch and roll since its more sensible for human to use these. I wrote function to get the…
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2 answers

How to calculate Euler angles from Forward, Up and Right vectors?

Because this is a complex question that usually results in much confusion (I've asked variations on this question previously, but never asked the question the right way and never got an answer), I'm going to try to make this as clear as…
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1 answer

What I came up with by trial and error works, could you explain why?

First of all, I wasn't sure if this question is welcome here and I checked the FAQ and found out that "I would like others to explain" questions are. The main issue is that I need to store rotations of all objects twice in my application. That is…
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4 answers

Conversion between Euler <=> Quaternion like in Unity3d engine

I've used two examples (from this site too), but results are not the same as those that said Unity. Quaternion.Euler and .eulerAngles are Unity functions. FromQ doesn't perform singularity check, FromQ2 does. Results: eulers =…
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1 answer

Find x,y,z rotation between two normal vectors

I have two squares in 3D space. I want to find the x,y,z angles between them. I started by finding the normal vectors for both of the squares and I am trying to figure out how to get the angle between them. I am using XNA (C#) Vector3 objects. I…
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7 answers

Rotation in Unity3D

This is a simplified code from what I'm trying to do: var angle = 1.57; if ( this.transform.rotation.y > angle ){ this.transform.rotation.y--; } else if ( this.transform.rotation.y < angle ){ this.transform.rotation.y++; } I'm used to code in…
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