Questions tagged [euler-angles]

The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the 3D orientation of a rigid body.

The idea of Euler angles is to split the complete rotation of a cartesian coordinate system into three simpler rotations about the axes of this system. Euler angles also represent three composed rotations that move a reference frame to a given referred frame. This is equivalent to saying that any orientation can be achieved by composing three elemental rotations (rotations around a single axis), and also equivalent to saying that any rotation matrix can be decomposed as a product of three elemental rotation matrices.

405 questions
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Reliable measure of orientation change in a 3D shape

I have been measuring the change in orientation of a 3D shape (a 3-space sensor) with different starting positions for a controlled end position. I am using Euler angles, (P)itch, (R)oll and (Y)aw. My measure of orientation change Is: Orientation…
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In GCP face detection, where should we assume to be the axis to measure the roll angle?

I need to rotate images of faces. I want to understand the output of GCP face detection. For the roll angle, where is the axis supposed to be? at the mouth center? at the nose? at the bottom left of the image file? The definition of roll angle is…
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Finding the angle a projectile hits a rotated circle

I'm trying to find out which side an entity is hit 46-135 - right side 136-225 - back side 226-315 - left side 316-360 and 0-45 - front side (Can't post images but this is what i want) I know the angle the entity is…
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Single Matrix outcome of 'eul' function in a 'for' loop

i am trying to run a 'for' loop that generates N number of 'Euler angle' matrices, by randomly selecting angles each loop, and then transform the 'Euler angle' to 'rotation angle' 3x3 matrix. my problem is that at the end my outcome seems to be only…
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How to get yaw degrees from transform in Unity?

I am making an aircraft game and I need to the get the Yaw of the aircraft. Below is working code to set pitch and roll but I can't quite figure out the yaw. private void _CalculateRollAndPitchAngles() { // Calculate roll & pitch angles //…
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3 answers

"Largest product in a series" Python code

After converting a string into an array, I really don't know why this isn't working... Can you explain what's my error, please? Find the thirteen adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product. What is the value of this…
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Oculus rift, quaternion and euler, how to increase range

I have access to rotation degrees from oculus. Quanterion to Euler, Euler to degrees. Range of pitch, roll and yaw is from -90 to 90. Is there any way to increase range -180 to 180? I know that can't use arcus functions, because it has ranges from…
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Trying to rotate on Y axis resulting in odd motion

Alright, so I've made a basic program that, so far, just makes a point in 3d space, renders it to a 2d screen, and rotates the camera. Rotating on the Z axis works just fine, on the X axis works basically fine, but the motion speeds up as the point…
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Rotating an object to face a certain point, but only on one axis

I have objects that I want to rotate towards a collision point, but only on the Y-axis. Here's what I mean: The arrows show which direction the balls hit the pins. First The object rotates on it's Y-axis to face the collision point. Second I…
2 answers

Understanding quaternions in Unity

Having some difficulty in understanding how to use rotation (represented as a quaternion) in Unity. What I want to do is note the rotation of an object at some time, then find out its new rotation shortly later, and turn that into how many degrees…
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1 answer

Find the angle of rotation from the centre

I have calculated the yaw,pitch and roll of the head from euler angles as follows in my code. eulerangles = rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(rotation_matrix) yaw = eulerangles[1] pitch = eulerangles[0] roll = eulerangles[2] How do I use these values to…
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Three.js Coordinate system confusing

I have a basic question regarding coordinate system in Three.js. I have a spherical geometry of radius 500 and a camera placed at (0,0,0). I am using raycasting to find the intersection on the spherical surface. I can see in the intersect object…
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Quaternion to euler angles and euler angles to quaternion in C

I have been writing this code for checking the euler angles and quaternions, but it is not run correcly (or maybe I do not understand the rotations): #include #include #define DR2D (180 / M_PI) #define DD2R (M_PI / 180) int…
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Unity C# - Child rotation and position disconnect

My camera is a child object of an empty gameobject, that I wish to rotate. The camera is a few units out of the center, so that it can rotate around objects placed in the same place as the empty game object. Standard fare, I am sure. However, when I…
2 answers

Python: euler circuit and euler path

I've got this code in Python. The user writes graph's adjency list and gets the information if the graph has an euler circuit, euler path or isn't eulerian. Everything worked just fine until I wrote this at the end: ln1 = [1, 2, 1, 6, 2, 3, 3,…
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